Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Prayer / Pruning Inside of Me

~Camomile Bokeh~Image by *MizzEl* via Flickr


May my heart be full of your joy and peace while we are working out these troubles of my soul. May my children see a women that prays and stays loving while toiling in the garden of my soul. My garden is about to bloom yet much work is to be done and sometimes the pruning of my soul is uncomfortable. Lord let me be calm, loving and focuses on those that I love and not on what the Lord is removing from me. Does the tree cry out as the wild or dead branches are being cut? No it is happy for the freedom to grow as it was meant to be.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Lord for freeing my heart and bringing me peace. I am so amazed at how you use the words of my own mouth to bring your peace. Reye got in trouble for lying and in our conversation about its impact I saw my own pain. The lies of my own heart the Lord is shining His light on and it hurts just as Reye being discovered in a lie. God brought me such peace as I told Reye that I want to heart when he was tempted to lie. I told Reye that the even if he fights off lying the Devil will try and slam him for thinking the lie. Seeing Reye's tears were like seeing my own heart cleansed. I also told him that my love for him would never change and that I would stand by him when he is good and bad.
