Monday, December 8, 2008

Healthy Habits / Blessed Wife

New Gold Dream...Image by law_keven via Flickr

I was reading from this WEB site for a little daily devotional…

The Word of God tells us that ALL women want to "wear the pants" in the family! All of us want to be in control!

Genesis 3:16 tells us of the consequences of the fall of man. It tells us that because the woman usurped her authority that she would "want to control her husband, but he will dominate you.”

So the truth is that we, as women, are ALL controllers...It is the a part of "the curse"!
So if it is a part of who we are--what can we do about it?

This is right on... I hadn't really thought of it as part of the curse in quite some time. God had convicted me in this area about 4 years ago and it has been life changing. Here are a few nuggets that I learned:

1) My children will learn how to rebel against authority by the way I rebel against my husbands. Ouch.

2) If I want my husband to grow in God in the big things I must trust him in the small things. Examples (dressing the baby, not 2nd guessing how he parents, etc.) Mathew 25: 14-30 Parable of the Talents

3)My plan may be better but my husbands plan will be blessed. I'll take the blessing. Example (mud in your eye to cure blindness) Anyone know the address to this story?

4) I was made to birth his dreams. I had to ask myself if I even knew what his dreams were. I was a dream masher as his dreams weren't practical. Who ever had a practical dream.

5) I was made to be his helpmate not the other way around. Remember ladies this is earned. He is not going to trust you with his heart till you have proved yourself in the small things. Example (Can you get me a drink, make me a sandwich, come to bed, etc.) If we say do it yourself these small things why would he ask us to carry his heart, team with him is ministry, etc.

That's all my nuggets for now.

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