Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pants on the Ground

Pants on the Ground Song from American IdolImage by Chris Pirillo via Flickr

I just love the song this 62 year old sang. i use to work a group home and would watch those boys running alone holding up their pants. Gota to love it.

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Prayers / direction

I pray that this day my steps would be guided by you. May I learn to listen to your voice in everything I do. No area is too big or small for your light to lead me. Lord I still feel so undecided about so many things. Especially when it comes to spending money. My money is yours. Lord how do you want me to spend my money. I want to get fit but don't know how to with this body that feels pain every time I try. Father it will cost a lot to get help. Please Lord guide me in this for the money we have is little.

Child, you did not inflict this harm upon yourself. It was a selfless sacrifice of carrying each of your children to term. Your body is tired and broken in your act of service to them. Mary lavished out a gift upon my head for the amazing sacrifce I was to give now it is time for you to use the money you have saved to prepare your body for the next season of your life. I have much more for you to to my child but you must get fit to enjoy it.

I wil do it Lord. I will find a Sprts medicine Dr. and then once cleared get the trainer. I will learn to take care of my body.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day to Day/Inspiration

The Flowers of RomanceImage by Dead Air via Flickr

Loving life today. Listening to my favorite music on the computer. The kids are coloring in the kitchen. I just finished doing my 5 job searches for unemployment benefits. Yes, life is good. The crayon on the table is no problem. I know how to get that off. Sheets are being washed, diapers have been changed and we are a happy house.

Been thinking of a few different things. The great relational times built at the changing table. How my oldest is growing up. Passion will be the glue that holds my marriage together.

As much as I hate the smell and wiggle legs while changing my boys I must say that I love diaper time. Some of the best smiles and hugs are given at the changing table. I sing to them. I tell them that they have a yummy belly and that I must eat them up. They just light up. I can get nose to nose with them and Eskimo kiss.

Kay is growing up into a lady in every way. I spoke with a friend the other day that was struggling with her daughter that didn't want to spend time because mom had taken away privileges. Her daughter was only one year older than mine. I see Kay tear up when she get's in trouble. Struggling to work hard on her chores. I have always wondered when her sadness would be turned towards us as parents. She has never said anything hurtful towards me. I had a thought of building a special locked box for her to keep a journal in. She could have all her supplies and I could leave love notes through a mail slot. I was surprised when I talked to her last night to hear that she already needs a place to write her hurt and angry feelings. The best part was telling her that she will never get in trouble for her feelings. My desire is to teach her how to deal with them in a healthy way. Not exploding with them. Not repressing them but surrendering them to God and asking the Father what she needs to learn an do with them. It was a great talk. I told her that hurt between the ones we love will happen but it can also be the glue that holds us together if we find healing and wholeness after we have been hurt. I am so excited to see the results of helping my children to have a full range of emotions expressed on purpose.

The best for last. The key to a great marriage I believe is passion. To be honest I'm still working on it. I had really thought that communication and submission was the key. That flirtation, being cherished, making eyes at each other was a thing for single/newlyweds. He made the catch and now we were just available to each other. Well I'm not buying that any more. I am eager for my man to continue to chase me for the rest of our lives. I am eager to learn how he wants me to flirt with him. We are so different. Why do I think this is the key? Well it hit me. I was in a legalistic relationship with Christ for 12 years before I entered into one of unconditional love. Wow. The difference it made. It is no longer fear of displeasing him that keeps me on the road of Christ but an undying, passionate love for the savior. When your eyes are full of love, admiration for the Lord the desire to make him happy will follow. I think this can apply in a marriage. When love is blind the little things won't offend. And believe me the bedroom will definitely see a few more happy faces. Why on earth would us women just go along for the ride without fighting for that passionate love to be a constant. If we let this dye, like I had for a time, other areas will be soon to follow. Find that yearning you had for your husband and keep it alive. If I wanted to grow old with a friend I would have married a girl.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Home Sick

Kay has been asking the last two days to stay home sick with a headache. The rule in my house is you can do what ever you want as long as you feel truely miserable with fever, vomiting, etc. Anything less you are in bed all day. Kay is now wishing she had gone to school. She is bored stiff. "But why can't I watch TV.?" I am terrible. Becuase I want her to hate saying home sick unless she is really sick. This probably won't work in the teen years as staying in bed all day will probably be good but for now my point has been made.