Monday, August 9, 2010

Raod Trip Day 59

We will be home today for Reye's football practice. Wow. 59 days of travel brought to a close.

Crystal made pancakes for the kids. They played the Wii and played outside a bit. Lots of sword fighting for the twins.

I ran out with the twins to get baby wipes. When we got back we went swimming in the neighbors pool. Great pool complete with a slide and jumping rock. Kay had a hard time shaking being sad since she couldn't swim. Hopefully it will be a good lesson in making the most of even hard times.

We got on the road around 1pm after a nice sandwich lunch. Wish we lived closer to Rick and Crystal. Petra was so sad to leave. She played more with the girls this time but really wanted to play with Johnathan.

Driving again took longer than expected.

When we got home Randy had a nice dinner ready for us. Randy and Reye had to run off quick for football practice. While they were gone some welcome home flowers arrived for me from Randy. Kay and Petra really wanted to play with friends. We got Kay's pet back from the neighbors. I started some laundry and we started to settle back in.

When the boys got back everyone did their own thing for a while and then Randy read the kids a bible story and said a prayer with the family. It was a nice end to our trip.

Putting the twins to bed was a bit challenging. They have had me at their side every day. I stayed with them for a bit and they did fall asleep.

Sweet dreams to all.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Road Trip Day 58

After breakfast we were on the road to Rick and Crystals house. Crazy drivers today. Came up on a lady going 40 and swerving. When I past her I could see she was asleep. I honked but she didn't wake up. Then I saw her swerve into the other lane. I called 911 to report her. Hope she got off the road before hitting someone.

Gave me a good chance to talk to the kids about safety.

The drive time was much longer than the GPS stated. Going to be glad when all this driving is over. We made it to their house around 5:30. We played on their playground. How awesome. they have a zip line. Sherman was saying awesome Kay. They jumped climbed and just played.

After dinner the little boys had a bath. Great deep tub.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Road Trip Day 57

The hotel we were at was beautiful. We had a hot breakfast and then I took the kids swimming. Lots of jumping from the steps for the twins. Petra is really wants to swim. Hope we can get her some lessons soon. Kay played on her computer while we were in the pool. We checked out at 11 am and were off. Hoping to make it to somewhere with a beach tonight. Want the kids to experience the ocean. We headed onto 90 towards the beach and ended up in the little ghost town. Not really but surely not a a big beach front. It was fine. We found a hotel, ate a fresh fish dinner and put our toes in the sand. I loved seeing all the bridges we traveled over.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Road Trip Day 56

Poor little Jena woke up sick this morning. We all prayed for her. Sad thing is now Jen and I won't be able to to go to Butt's Mill Farm together. I made some egg salad and dragged my feet gettign ready. Torn about going without her. Petra stayed behind to play with Joshua. I was going to take him but he wanted to be with his mommy.

We did basically the same stuff as yesterday.

Back at Jennifers the twins were crying ALOT. The twins had slept in the car for a bit but were just so cranky. They settled but boy was it loud. I love loving my boys even if they are upset.

Jen had made a great dinner. We had chicken, mac & cheese, corn, greens and more.

We also got to eat the cookies the kids made last night. forgot to write that. We really had everyone in on the making. The boys loved pounding the nuts with a little hammer.

Once dinner was over we cleaned up the toys a bit and the kids and I were off onthe road again. We stopped in Greenville, AL. Had to laugh though when we past through Tuskeegee. Wonder how many people think of the FDA nightmare when they see that town.

It was late so we just crashed at our hotel.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Road Trip Day 55

Woke to the sound of little feet and they were not mine. Jen's kids were up at 7:30 yet mine were all still sleeping. We just let everyone wake up easy. Jen made a great breakfast. I love her excitement for good food. Her husband was playing hide an seek with his little one while he was getting ready for work.

Once the whole gang was up and fed we set off for Butt's Mill Farm. Jen is amazing. She cooked up potatoes and chicken nuggets for us to eat at the Farm. This place has a bit of everything. The kids had the best time and so did we. 1st we played in the big play area complete with balls, slides, climbing wall and more. Then we made it down by a running stream, for lunch. There was a big water slide. Yippie I went down a few times with Sherman. Got to let my hair down a bit. We sat in the stream and then on some porch swings that let you drag your feet in the water. We ate water mellon and the older ones played put, put.

We had so much fun that we decied to pay to come again the next day. The little ones were out shortly after getting in the car. Yippie they stayed asleep and let me lay them down. Nice to have a few minutes to chat with my girl friend.

Sleep didn't come as easy since they had napped late but all was good.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Road Trip Day 54

My Dad was such a big help getting us ready to leave. He made sandwiches and cut up apples. We were on the road by 8:30 for Alabama. Can't wait to see Jen and her family. Her little girl is just a few days older than the twins and her son is 3 1/2. We were going to pick up a movie but I guess not every McD's has them.

Dad gave me totally different directions than my car. First time to not follow the GPS. The roads were curvy and up and down in the montain. Great to enjoy this as the driver. Usually I am sick to my stomach and have to tune out the beauty. No one else complained.

We stopped at Chic Fila for lunch and a little playing. Ran into a another mom of 3 little ones that was also traveling. I managed to leave my diaper bag at the resturant. I need to remember to call them. We were near Atlanta, Gorgia. Sure wish I would have reconected with Cynthia Harris. She was my closest friend at ASL. I went to the states with her. She lived in Gorgia. Here I am in her home town and can't find her.

Well in less than 2 hours we were at Jen's. The kids were fast friends, just playing with all the toys. They were doing great. Jen had our sleeping area all set up. She is amazing.

When her husband came home we had a spagetti dinner. We then packed up the kids to go teach a Sunday school class. All the little one were asleep when we got the the church. Sherman did not want to be separated from me and he wanted to play swords with the music sticks. It took some time but finally he settled into his class. Jen and I taught on patients. It was my oldest 2 and one other boy. Reye was really enjoying this kid. They were cutting up about all his fovorites. Then they had to work together to build a tower of cups. Reye really wanted to play with this kid again. To bad his mom works.

Then we stopped at a playground and Reye made some more friends. The fun just keeps coming. We are definately farther south. Hot, buggy and sticky. Kay and I were having fun looking at all the differnt colors used ot paint the houses. Very bright.

Back to her house for bathes and bed. Petra has become fast friends with Joshua. The older two are happy for more than one computer to play on. They have wireless so we could plug ours in as well. The twins went down with not to much fuss.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Road Trip Day 53

Time to pack up and get ready for our next adventure. Leaving for Jennifer's in the morning. We went to a great walking trail with some neat stuff for the kids to look at. I had fun taking pictures of mushrooms and butterflies. The twins were playing with sticks. Kay wanted to read all the signs. Reye liked the cave and train. Petra found a little berry and made it her baby. She took some ferns for a bed and just carried it around the whole time. She even used another leaf for shade.

Hooray the twins fell asleep on the way home. I got to packing. Really keeping it minimal for the rest of the trip. We have 4 days of clothes in one suit case. Hope to wash it all once and do it over.

I am loving every minute of laughing and playing with my kids. I am especially enjoying how much better the twins are doing. They are communicating so well and with a little effort we are able to calm down their moments of frustration by asking what they need.

We went out for Chinese again. Everyone did really well and helped each other out. I am really learning how to let others be apart of us.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Road Trip Day 52

It was pick up time in Dad's play land. The porch was full of toys and we took a look at what was really being played with and what was just taking up space on the floor. We had hoped to get a sitter for the twins so I could take Petra and Reye to sliding rock but no one was available. Dad still wanted to take Kay to the museum. So I ventured off with the other 4 to find a park. A little more tricky here as GPS was no help. I did find it.

We grabbed McD's on the way and just had fun playing. I got the tire swing going a little to spiny and Petra was a bit green. When we got home Sherman was asleep so we just fiddled around. Grant feel asleep too so I took Petra and Reye to the pool. I was so looking forward to some special time with Reye and this was the ticket. We played a game of tossing a toy. The 1st one to it got to knock the other on the head. You could grab, hold, push the person out of the way to get the toy. Only thing out of line was suit grabbing, splashing and hurting each other. It was a blast. Petra was on my side.

Dad made french toast for dinner. What a relaxing time it has been here. I read a few stories to the twins and played Mr. Potato Head.

Dad and I sat around for a few and he was glad to see how much I enjoy my kids.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Road Trip Day 51

Up at 6:45. Today is church and we need to be out the door by 8:30. Glad to have my shower and be dressed before anyone is up. Feeling good humming a praise song. For all things are possible with Christ. It was time to wash Kay's hair. She has been sponge bathing herself since she broke her arm but it was time to do a good job. It was funny. I had to wash her. Hadn't done that in years. Boy does she have some long legs.

Church was good. We went to a Sunday school class. Great message about sacrifice. One man shared about how he went to help clean out houses after Katrina. The sacrifice was stopping to hear their stories. He was set on the task before him yet God had personal business to take care of. I shared about laying down with my twins to get them to sleep. This sacrifice of my time has been an amazing blessing. Smelling them, holding them, singing to them. One day they won't need me in this way. I praise God that I can and will be able to love on them for many more years.

After church we had some lunch and then I took the kids out to see a water fall. Sherman stayed close while Reye and Grant were ready to charge the rocks and climb into the water. Everyone was amazed at how big and powerful the water was. I just wanted to drink in God's creation. Then we went for ice cream. I love watching them eat ice cream.

Dad made a great dinner of pork chops, rice and broccoli. We eat out on his sun porch.

Then I took the youngest 3 out for a walk. It was a laugh minute. We sang songs, they stared down the rain grates and best of all the twins got excited about every piece of poop the geese left behind. They had to stop and inspect them and then ran to the next poop. Then we made it around the pool where their were a bunch of rocks. They threw rocks till finally Petra got in the line of fire. We had to walk in the grass on the way home hoping the poop would come off. Towards the end they wanted to stamp out the poop.

Once home it was about bedtime. Kay is enjoying the science Chanel.