Thursday, June 25, 2009

Healthy Habits / Hypocrite

Day 334/365 : SolidImage by ~jjjohn~ via Flickr

The irony of being on San Antonio Living talking up how we are saving all this money by pinching all our pennies is now all I want to do is live the high life. I am sick of cloth diapers. With it so hot and dry here I have to keep all the diaper stuff in the garage BECAUSE FLIES ARE GROWING,YUCK!! The husband and I both thought me being home would give us more time together but all I feel like is the glorified maid. I have never liked house work and now it is my career. So I am going to be a big hypocrite and hire the maid back for the every two week cleaning of the house. I pray it frees me up enough to spend time joyfully with my husband. Right now spending time with him feels like another to do list item. Praise God we have set aside enough money where this maid thing shouldn't break the bank.

1 comment:

  1. i thought you might get a kick out this
