Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

1 Pet 6-9
You now rejoice in this hope, even if it’s necessary for you to be distressed for a short time by various trials. This is necessary so that your faith may be found genuine. (Your faith is more valuable than gold, which will be destroyed even though it is itself tested by fire.) Your genuine faith will result in praise, glory, and honor for you when Jesus Christ is revealed. Although you’ve never seen him, you love him. Even though you don’t see him now, you trust him and so rejoice with a glorious joy that is too much for words. You are receiving the goal of your faith: your salvation.

This is what I am truly thankful for.  The working out of my salvation tested and approved by my victory over my own sin in the many trials I face.  The moments where I would have chosen an angry or self seeking response and the power of God through His grace has acted through me.  That my time in obedience to be in the word and pray has transformed my actions.  Not that I can boast for it is truly Christ in me that is taking over little by little as I surrender to Him.  If  I am to boast in anything it is in my knowledge of my weakness and utter helplessness to change my circumstances and my knee jerk destruction ways.  Praise God for this revelation for I am finding victory in areas that I never thought possible.  God is transforming my tongue.  Causing me to be slow to speak.  Some times I think I am being gagged by the Holy Spirit but I am choosing to submit to being held silent.

I want to shout this amazing grace of God from the hill tops for I know many Christians that are held captive by their own short comings.  I am far from perfect and their are many areas that I have yet to find victory over but their is hope.  If God can take me this far in just a few years of being fully submitted to hear his voice, read his word and pray continually then I stand on his word that a full victory over my sinful nature and circumstances can be achieved.  Maybe not in this lifetime but I will see and experience myself as completely set free from the effects of  in heaven.

Why do I consider it pure joy to endure trials and submit my will and my time to the Father?  Because God is truly amazing.  A light brighter than any other.  To be in His presence is an oasis from my circumstances.  It is the one time in my day that I need not reflect on how I will react to someone.  The Lord wants to be with me, yes me and I get to sit at his feet and just rest in all that he has to impart.  It is a time of receiving, breathing in life and restoring my very soul. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hints on How to Be a Friend

Hints on How to Be a Friend

1. Be Trustworthy.

When a friend tells you a secret, keep it.
Don't repeat it to others.

Trust is a vital part of friendship.
Loss of trust can destroy a friendship.

2. Be sensitive.

Be aware of a friend's needs. Try to know when your friend
needs to be with you and when your friend wants to be alone.

Respect his or her wish for privacy and need for personal space.

3. Be dependable.

If you make a promise to a friend, keep it.
Don't let your friend down.

Be there for him or her in good times as well as bad.

Let friends know they can count on you.

4. Be a good listener.

Kids like to talk to someone who listens actively.

Show a genuine interest in the things that are important to your

Maintain eye contact while he or she talks.

5. Be honest.

Let a friend know how you feel.

If a friend says or does something that hurts you, talk it over
with him or her privately.

Express your feelings as honestly as you can, and encourage your
friend to do the same.


Be accepting by Christy Klepetko (the above should be exercised in light of the following)

Only be close friends with safe people. We are all hardwired differently and just because you like to be with someone doesn't mean you will have the same values or approach to life.  Friends whose actions compromise who you are should be kept at an emotional distance. Enjoy what you have in common, accept them for who they are, but guard your heart that you not compromise who you are.  The distance required to maintain these types of relationships should be in direct proportion to how easily you are compromised.  So be willing to look at what happens to YOUR character when you spend time with them.  Compromise is often like a chemical reaction.  It is the part of your GOOD character that is put in that is compromised.  This will rarely birth the behavior the other is doing at 1st.  For example:  You trusting a friend that lies to you will most likely not cause you to lie.  Yet it will have the byproduct of distrust.  To hold a liar as a close friend will eventually cause you to believe that all will lie to you.  This has now compromised your character.  Yet their is hope.  For God told us to be in the world but not be of it.  He also said he will give us the strength to overcome temptation yet sometimes we must flee.  Jesus could be with the worst of sinners and not compromise who he was.  The more time we spend with Christ the more we will be able to be around those that are are entangled in sin without being compromised.  So listen to the Holy Spirit and flee when he says flee.  Asking the Lord to gird you in His truth, that next time you can come a little closer without being burned.  For our victory is found in being like Christ.  For their redemption can only be found in a relationship with the loving Father for which we may be the bridge.

A Social Studies lesson passed out to a third grade class.
Taken from "Feelings About Friends," (c)1988-The Learning Works.

Monday, October 29, 2012


All of us are given a place of leadership (sphere of influence) by God.  Even if it is just to govern our own lives in keeping with his law.  The following verses spoke to me about guarding our thoughts and actions in relationship to people so that we may be a help rather than an hindrance to them.

Lamentations 1-2:19; Philemon 1-25; Psalm 101:1-8; Proverbs 26:20 (Common English Bible)

Let this verse be a warning whenever you are tempted to water down the truth that would set a friend or loved one free.  If God gives you a warning for a brother or sister in Christ give it in love.  Just imagine you are sitting in the back of your friends car as they back out.  Your friend is distracted and you are watching them heading straight for a tree.  Wouldn't you yell stop?

Lam 2:14 Your prophets gave you worthless and empty visions.
They didn’t reveal your sin so as to prevent your captivity.
Instead, they showed you worthless and incorrect prophecies.

Let this also be a warning whenever you are tempted to tell people what to do rather than asking them.  Put your faith in God's ability to take care of all your needs.

Philemon 8 Therefore, though I have enough confidence in Christ to command you to do the right thing, 9 I would rather appeal to you through love.

Be careful to ask the hard questions so as to really know the people that will be giving you counsel and doing work on your behalf.  Be in constant communication with those that you will be leaning on as to how they are dealing with sin in their lives.  For we all fall at times.  Yet broken people often forget to be restored which leads to secrecy and more sin.  Just as you would not ask a brother to help you move that just broke his arm take not the counsel of a brother in the area where he is struggling.

Psalm 101:6 My eyes focus on those
    who are faithful in the land,
    to have them close to me.
The person who walks without blame
    will work for me.
7 But the person who acts deceitfully
    won’t stay in my house.
The person who tells lies
    won’t last for long before me.

Proverbs 26:20 Without wood a fire goes out;
    without gossips, conflict calms down.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Love Yourself Today

Is it on your list of things to do today?  Do you have a plan to show yourself favor, grace and care?  Will you push yourself a little harder than you did yesterday?  Will you find one thing about the way you look, act or move that you really like.  We live in a world focused on self improvement.  Drifting from meloncoly unawareness of what we are doing to self deprication analitical scrutiny.  Neither being the path to rigthiousness.  What does the Bible say we are to dwell on:  What ever is true, lovely and pure..., in so doing we will become those things.

So this day I am not going to let the day get away from me with all it trappings.  I will start it in the word of God seeking to know the Father and praying that he reveal himself to me.  Praying that he point out how I may glorify him in this body of mine.  In an of myself I may have nothing to give to God but clothed in his word and filled with his spirit I am amazing.  Truly amazing, capable of doing great things.  I will shine for him today.

So how can I best love myself?  By letting God step inside me and me step inside of him.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wild and Dangerous

Wild and dangerous here I am today.  Mostly pleasant and playful but with a sinister edge that says look at me.  Yet quiet and demur as I just want to be comfortable in my clothes.  Daring and dashing on the inside.  Full of class and charm as I dance dances and leap amazing leaping inside the recesses of my soul.  For this body is tired, and worn but the heart goes on strong as if it were a new born baby yet with all the knowledge that life has brought it.  Never brought low by the limitations this body, time and space has put on it.  Now free as a bird within me I can fly.  Yes, grand like a bird.  Cry and ocean of tears and them laugh a thousand laughs.  Making others giggle with delight with funny faces, silly gestures and crazy notions.  I am all of this full to the brim this day teaming on the inside with bounds of energy, only limited by this body my home.  Yet this limitation is not going to stop me for I can sew, paint, write and dream.  For this body will not always be my home.  One day I will fly for sure.  One day my Father will call me home to a grand body with no limits.  That day will be amazing yet for today I am thankful to be here to watch all those that are young explore who they are to be.  To learn more, be more and love more that this life can hold.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Bible Reading May 11, 2012

1 Sam 10:1-11:15, John 6:43-71, Ps 107:1-43, Pr 15:1-3

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bible Reading May 9, 2012

1 Sam 5:1-7:17, John 6:1-21, Ps 106:13-31, Pr 14:32-33
I pray that this day all my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ will stand in the gap in agreement with me for those that are flagrantly living a life of sin.  We all have someone that we love dearly that needs to find their way to repentance.  2 cor 7: 9" yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. 10 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death." Lord please guard our mouths and actions this day that we not thwart your plans by heaping worldly sorrow on those that need to hear from God.  If this word has inspired you please go to my blog and read of my inspiration in the word of God.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bible Reading May 8, 2012

1 Sam 2:22-4:22, John 5:24-47, Ps 106:1-12, Pr 14:30-31
Today's reading spoke to me about hearing from God for ourselves.  The importance of knowing God intimately.  It also spoke to me of the grace of Christ that frees us from the fear of an eternal life separated from God due to sin. Most importantly it convicted me that we need to be in the lives of fellow believers so that we can help them discern when God is speaking to them.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Bible reading May 4, 2012

Judges 19:1-20:40, John 3:22-4:4, Ps 104:24-35, Pr 14:22-24
Wow.  Hard word to read.  It will fill you with anger and sadness.  The unthinkable of being handed over by one that should have protected. Yet John speaks of life and Christ versus God's wrath being on those that are unsaved.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Bible Reading May 3, 2012

Judges 07:1-18:31, John 3:1-21, Ps 104:1-23, Pr 14:20-21
Today's word spoke to me about how we believe and are saved.  It also had me considering that to be free from the curse of death we should be living as one no longer condemned to that death.  Yet my own thoughts often condemn me.  So for all those that are like me in this I pray that this day you take yourself off the cross and remember that Christ already died for you.  The price of your sin is paid.  Yes for your poor choices of today and tomorrow till the day of his coming.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bible Reading May 2, 2012

Today's devotional is posted I just forgot to let you all know. I have many questions before the Lord as to how we are to apply the story of Samson. He was far from a pillar of integrity and sacrificial love. Yet WOW was he given power. It appeared God used is sinful nature to put in in just the spot he needed him for battle. hmmm. What to make of it all. Yet I must ponder not and let God bring me peace and clarity that my mind can not findChristy Klepetko

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bible reading May 1, 2012

May the Lord bless you and keep you this day as you allow his word to hem you in and expand your territory. Great story of the birth of Samson in Judges and the beginning of Jesus picking his disciples in John.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Bible Reading April 30, 2012

Judges 11-12; John 1:1-28; Psalm 101:1-8; Proverbs 14:13-14 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

The horrific story of a man that vows to sacrifice his daughter for winning a battle and then Johns amazing description of how the word of God is living and active.  Today's reading has made my heart glad.  I pray you to will come to the living water and drink.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bible Reading April 28, 2012

I would love to discuss these old testament passages.  For Gideon turns for God in a blink of an eye for no apparent reason.  Then youngest living son tells this story of the trees that I can't tell if it is of pagan roots or Godly.  Please come read and let's see if we can discern the truth we are meant to see from this passage.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Bible Reading 4/27/2012

April 27, 2012 Reading was of the great story of Gideon in battle.  His small army being decreased by the Lord to show that God won the battle not men.  Then Jesus between the tow on the cross.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bible Reading April 26 2012

Today's word again reminded me that you often use those that consider themselves of low position.  The story of fearful Gideon always touches my heart.  Then the love of Christ for Peter to let him know that he would betray him.  For more on today's reading:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bible Reading April 25, 2012

God's word has amazed me yet again today. Come have a look.  Yet more importantly come have a read for yourself.  You will find strength that you did not know you had.  For God has given you all you need from the day of your salvation.  I would be richly blessed to hear of how God is speaking to you through his word this day.  For his mercies are new every morning.  Go get yours.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bible Reading April 24, 2012

Come read and be inspired. In summary we must remember that we have a great enemy that God is protecting us from every day. We must also remember that to be great in God's kingdom we have to lead as a servant. How do you servant lead?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Bible reading April 23, 2012
To see what God is speaking to my heart in His word.  Not that you would see my story but your own.  I pray this day you will take comfort and courage in His word.  If I inspire just one to find hope in the power of the presence of God found in his word I will be beyond humbly blessed.  For God's word is more than just words on the page.  It washes over us and makes us new.  What do you need made new this day?  God may not give you what you ask but he will more than supply what you need.  I was weary and beaten down this morning yet as you can see by the words of my mouth the Lord has lifted me up.  God has the same for you.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Making the Most of Life

Are you making the most of your life?  Attitude is 90% of the problem I always here.  Yet what do you do when you are light years away from that good attitude?  Can you think your way into a smile?  I have never found that to work for me.  I am more like that 2 yr old screaming over being given the WRONG color crayon.  Yet just as easily turned around by something new and amazing.  So that's my advice for today.  If you are crying over the wrong color crayon today.  Find a HEALTHY diversion that will make you smile. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Financial Freedom

Psalm 73
2 But as for me, my feet had almost slipped;
I had nearly lost my foothold.
3 For I envied the arrogant
when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
This Psalm has some great colorful descriptions.  When I was abounding in wealth I felt entitled,  when I was financially stable and climbing I was most envious and prideful.  It has only been in my place of poverty that I have learned true contentment and dependance of the Lord.  For now prayer, a disciplined heart and discernment are my constant financial consultant.  A lesson I did not learn with much wealth.  So the next time you encounter those that are "less fortunate" remember that they may have something amazing to teach you.  For it is in our weakness that He is made strong.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines Day

Having your own creative business is a joyous challenge.  I absolutely love making these flowers.  So many places I could go to try and market them yet with twins in toe I choose to let my flowers just ride along with us and only sell where we are already going.  I hope these precious valentines hair clips find a home soon.

God's Provision

I had an interview for Assistant Manager, Quality Assurance - UTHSCSA Allograft Resources. 
My heart is so torn over going back to work.  This job opportunity is to good to pass up.  Yet my heart is still to stay home with my kids and give them my best.  Yet work has been hard to come by for my husband.  We have had to cut WAY back and then when their was no where else to cut back we had to start looking outside ourselves for our basic needs to be met.  Extremely humbling yet empowering to see God provide.

The best part is what God is showing me. The past 2 years we have been living on VERY little income. What a blessing it has been to learn how to pray and see God's provision. The thought of having enough money to take care of all our needs/wants raised the question of whether I would continue to pray for God's direction regarding spending. Has my faith in God's ability to provide for us, when we couldn't, expanded enough that I would only spend as he directs when the money was already in my hand. I am so thankful that God has removed my desire to go back to spending based on my own understanding as I know the richness of his bounty found in listening to His voice for every dime I spend in this long season of want.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

God's Provision

In September of 2011 I was looking into going back to work.  Feeling the need to help my family out financially.  Wresting with how to provide the best for my 5 kids ages 3-10 at the time.  I decided that I would look into working at a childcare center.  This would allow me to take the twins with me and work early enough in the day to be home before the school kids got home.  At every turn I was not a good fit.  Not to mention the pay grade would be way BELOW what I was use to making.  I didn't give up but just decided I would pick up looking again after the holidays.  Now here is where God's amazing provision came into play.

October - Our dog that was impregnated by a pit bull that jumped our fence grossed me $40.00 per pup.  We sold 4.

November - On a whim I made a couple of flowers after seeing some a friend had made.  Another friend saw them and said I should make some more for the craft fair she was hosting.  I wouldn't even have considered it, but with Christmas around the corner, and a broken sewing machine needing repair, I thought what the heck.  Let's see if I can make enough to cover a few expenses outside the monthly budget.  I had no idea if people would even be interested in.  My artistic expression has always been just an extension of myself.  Never have I created based on what others would want.  Having no idea where to begin I brought a few samples around to the gym, library and church just to see if others would even want them.  To my surprise and delight the response was very positive.  To date I have sold upward of $400.00.  Who knew - God did.

December - Randy's Game Truck partner requested to step down from some of his responsibilities.  I was asked to take over the majority of the party booking.  This has been a wonderful way for Randy and I to connect regarding the business and to make $20.00 per party booked.  I am likely to bring in anywhere from $200 - $500 a month.  Another form of income that I couldn't have put into place.  See something outside my control had to move before I could move in.  Who knew - God did.

I got a letter from the unemployment office late December that I am eligible for the next tier of benefits.  Blow my socks off.  My last level of benefits ended over a year ago.  Who knew - God did.

January -  My husband reminded me that given my income I should get back into the habit of tithing.  So I totaled up everything from the sale of my flowers, the puppies, GT parties to my unemployment and came up with a tithe of $110.  The Monday after I give the church my tithe I make a deposit to the bank for some cash I have had lying around.  Well it jams their machine.  The teller says she will put it in for what I wrote on my slip, yet she says she thinks I counted wrong.  She is going to deposit to my account everything her drawer is over at the end of her shift.  I get a call latter that day that she has added an additional $100.00 to my deposit.  Ha, God only kept $10.00 of my tithe.  Blow my socks off.  Who knew - God did.

So praise God for what ever season you are in and remember that your Father in heaven has a thousand cattle on the hill.