Saturday, July 31, 2010

Road Trip Day 50

We got up and went to a delightful bakery. Everyone got to pick their favorite and Dad and I got some coffee. We seemed to be having trouble with the doors. They wouldn't open automatically. Dad and I pushed every buttom and still couldn't figure out the problem. Finally we gave up and closed them by hand. We went to a park and ate our breakfast treats. The kids climbed. Developed elaborate games and were pushed on swings. Then we came back to the house to prepare for some swimming.

Dad took Kay out to get some new shoes while we did some swimming. Not as much fun as the other day. No other kids joined us and the painters locked us out of the club house. Bad since Petra needed to go potty. Soon Dad and Kay were back to pick us up.

We had some lunch and Sherman fell asleep in a chair. I spent some time talking and praying with a my dear friend from Michigan. So glad to have that conection renewed.

Dad wasn't feelig well so we headed out on our own for some dinner. 1st time to attempt Dad's drive way. It is about a 85 degree curve up a hill. I made it with flying colors. We went to the Twin Dragon. The kids were great. A buffet is my least favorite by myself with 5 kids but I managed a new system. Took the twin to the buffet while Kay and Reye helped me fill mine and their plates. They then went a 2nd time on their own for their food. Worked like a charm. Now Kay and Reye were low on veggies and high on fried food but hey they did have meat and fruit.

We tried to find a playground but my GPS only found parks with trails. Reye wanted to go to a game store but the only one we found was just a sign at Blockbuster. I love having the time to just give to my kids. It isn't about the stuff. It is about listening to them and seeing what they like.

Once home I put the twins down and played a bit of a game with Reye. Kay wanted to join in so I spent some time chatting with my Dad. He is doing amazingly well with the kids.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Road Trip Day 49

Dad started off my day with a Thermos of coffee and a note outside the door. We went berry picking. Much to hot and buggy but some great berries and a few pictures. We then went for a walk in the mountains. Sherman was not interested in the uphill climb. Hug, hug. Crying for me to pick him up. Finally we found a few great leaves for sword fighting and the down hill portion was filled with fighting laughter.

Then back to the house for some left over pizza and much play in the play room. We lounged around till dinner. Had some great soup. The twins want more, more. Then we went for a swim. Kay was sad since she wouldn't be able to go in. Dad was gracious enough to take her shopping with him. Seemed to cheer her up. Some older kids were at the pool and they made it fun for Petra and Reye. Playing man in the middle and fighting with the noodles.

The twins were just happy to continually jump to me from the steps.

Petra is such a hoot. She followed Reye into the boys restroom and managed to sit in the urinal as a potty. Wished I had a picture of that.

Home for a bath, some PB&J, popcorn and bed.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Road Trip Day 48

Wow the bed at this hotel was worth the extra cash. Slept in till 9:30. Can't remember the last time that happened. We all quickly got down stairs for some breakfast. The kids were so excited to see all the yummy food just out for the picking.

Back to the room for a bath for everyone except Kay. Hope to get her a special sleeve for the broken arm soon.

We are finally on the road by 11:15. Probably the hardest patch of driving the whole trip. We are hit with more rain, mountains, slow moving traffic and our 6 hour drive takes almost 8 hours. We even had a bit of a scare. The traffic was moving so slow and state troopers were flying by on the side. After we got past it all we stopped to find out someone was side swiped and it through their car over the mountain. We saw where the guard rail was missing. Wow. It would have been a terrible fall being that we were so high in the mountains.

We stopped for some good Tennessee barbecue and corn bread.

We finally made it to my Dad's and set up shop while the kids explored all the toys Grandpa has out on his porch.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Road Trip Day 47

This morning is having it's troubles. Find out my buddy now is sick like his dad. I get him some meds like a good mamma then I get all my kids in the car for VBS to find I have a dead battery again. Now I have to ask the sick guy to jump the car. So gracious. Not even a balk at the request. Must be the upbringing. They are all generous.

Finally get the kids to VBS and back to pack the car. Mrs Maicki helps with kids and stuff. I wouldn't let sicky help. After VBS we get some presents for the family, mostly dog toys and flowers. They love their animals. Great gift idea from Kay.

Back for sad good byes and we are off. I'm told I have very well behaved kids and not to worry about the twins they will catch on. Everyone got their last slushy and then we went out for sushi. It was pouring down rain. The rain was so bad we were at no visibility at times.

We played at a McDs and got some movies from Red Box. I am tired and sore from white knuckling in the rain but the kids want to press on. Drive 2-3 more hours mom we are fine. They are amazing.

We stop just 60 miles shy of our planned stop at a nice hotel. A little splurge. I got two rooms. I am spreading out in the bed. No little feet or hands taking up the whole bed tonight.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Road Trip Day 46

Today is a run around day. Took kids to VBS, then drove over to pick up shoes left behind at a picnic, then to a playground and then back to VBS. Love being able to find those parks. The twins got to climb a fallen tree and cross a bridge. Their talking is really kicking off. We are up to 4 word sentences. Sherman said Bad guys at home.

After VBS I picked up my college buddy and we took the gang for lunch and to play at the park. Everyone seemed to need potty breaks so we took turns taking them to the Kroger around the corner. Petra got to ride piggy back style. Not on my shoulders mind you.

Then we took Kay to get her arm casted. We tagged teamed. i went in to complete paperwork then he took the Drs visit. I had a blast asking Kay all the questions, like how many cigarettes she smokes, what her occupation is, etc.

Bummer when we got back Dr. Maicki is sick. Had to call it a day early. We had a left over dinner. Kay and Susie have been talking about how much they are enjoying each others company. Kay wants to stay for the summer. They aren't saying now but are sure I would miss my best girl. Kay just can't stop crying over how much she wants this fun to never end. i just want to cry with her. Then we are lead in a serious of songs about lambs to go with today's VBS theme. Totally hilarious. We are all laughing way to much to cry anymore.

Then we start on a long walk for ice cream. Mrs Maicki says don't let him walk all of you to the dairy queen. We don't we ask Sandy to pick us up and take us. We all pooped out about half way. Kids and ice cream need I say more.

Home and quickly to bed for all the little one. Then I'm introduced to a "fruit punch" that leaves you hot. Sandy tells me how she felt no pain after a few glasses. We chatted a bit then watched a movie. Fun times. Sad that this is our last night with the Maicki's.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Road Trip Day 45

I took the older kids to VBS and the twins to a park. The twins didn't really seem to want to play. Then I took all the kids plus Susie for lunch. We then went to a playground to eat and play. We had a great time complete with chasing Reye, capturing princesses, and rope swinging. Reye was given the nick name Princess Lily Water. He wanted to join the girls club and apparently scratches and kicks when trying to get away. Reye hates his nickname but smiles and laughs as he tries to attack anyone that uses it. Petra got the nick name Rocky.

Kay got the nickname Lefty as she will now have to learn how to be left handed.

After dinner some Friends of Susies came over and Sandy took the older three out onto he boat. It was great. Reye need some boys to play with and Sandy came through. Reye was much more daring on the tub with the boys. Petra even asked to go faster.

Since the twins couldn't go we took them to a little park to play. It was so nice to have help with them. I got to sit back and watch the play and time outs going on. Nice to see another male prospective on discipline. Calm, stern and consistant.

When we got back the older ones were enjoying the hot tub. All except Lefty that is.
Then we got everyone to bed and enjoyed some chit chat amoung the adults.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Road Trip Day 44

Today started off great. I was up early enough to get showered and dressed before anyone woke up. I got everything ready for breakfast and then I woke the kids. Dr Maicki got me some coffee. The kids did really well for breakfast. Staying in this nice big house is wonderful.

We all went to a Lutheran church. I was told their was no child care so the twins were with us. All of a sudden they had child care. Kay sat with her new friend Susie. I'm sure she liked it. She had an answer to every question when the kids were called up.

Then we went to another old friends house for a picnic. Their were 9 kids and everyone was having a blast.

Soon after we got back Kay and Reye were playing some sort of game and Kay fell on her hand. Dr. Maicki looked at it and took us to the ER. It was a green stick fracture. We were only planning on a few days here. Hope we can get it casted soon.

The Maicki family all pitched in to watch the other 4 while I went to the hospital. Sherman and Grant were without naps and very unruly yet cute. Apparently every time Mrs. Maicki tried to get a picture of the boys they would move. They were petting the dog, cooking on the pretend grill and enjoying much veggies.

Dinner was a bit better than last night but I really had to stay on Grant. Bath and bed for these boys. Reye was so excited to have his own room and is now feeling left out.

Everyone tucked away we went for a walk with the dog.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Road Trip Day 43

Drove to Detroit to see old college friend. We went out on the lake. Kay got in ride in a small kyak. She was rather grumpy. She played with some dogs and was having a bit of a problem. the twins also got their own boat to ride around in. then we had some dinner and Grant was very demanding. After dinner we had a great time back at the lake. Another kids was with us and Kay was so happy. they got to go tubing. so nice Reye got his own room to sleep in. The girls had their own room and two cossy beds and the twins and I shared a room.

Road Trip Day 39 - 42

Wish I could have written these days as they happened. They were awsome yet the kids and I became ill during this time and I just couldn't write. God did some amazing things during these days. I got to speak at my friends church. It was a real blessing.

I visited my old college with my old college friends. They have two small children and are the best friends. They showed such hospitality. We ate and played together most of the time. When I wasn't with them I was at my dear friends Siola's getting or participating in prayer. All the boys got sick and were vomitting all over her house. The grace and peace in which she handled this mess was amazing. Calming and sweetly she would just hand me another towel. She read stories to my kids, her son tought Kay to play the piano and picked berries. We ate together and just shared our lives. She spoke blessing over me and the mission that God had on my life.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Road Trip Day 38

We took it easy getting ready this morning. Had a great answer to prayer last night. I ran out of diapers and couldnt' believe I was going to have to pack up and take the 5 to the store at 9 pm. I pray and go down believing I will run into a mom of a little one. Sure enough I round the corner of the elevator and a mother and baby are right in front of me. Her son wears the same size diaper. Praise God.

We played at Ray and Shannon's and had blueberry pancakes. Then Kay, Petra and I went to get some prayer. It was a great time of love and healing.

We had a early dinner hoping we could go to the lake. It started to rain. It was a great dinner.

We went to the store and played some more. The kid are getting along really well. I really love it here. I really miss summers that are cool enough that you can enjoy beign active outside.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Road Trip Day 37

Church with the Touw's was great. My favorite part was watching my kids during the service. The older two were with us. A young college student was getting baptised and a family was getting prayer for missions. Both times Reye asked if he could go up to lay hand in prayer. Right in front he boldly layed hands of these people and brought a peace to the baby the family was holding. Warms a mom's heart to see God at work.

After Church we drove by HOPE college and then we all worked as a team to make sandwiches and feed the SEVEN children 9 and under. God's peace was with us. Every one got along really well.

I got to catch up with both Ray and Shannon. Old friends are amazing. Just pick up right where you left off.

We went for a nature walk. Love the TALL trees.

Shannon and I are so much alike. We planned a few ideas for the week, set out our menu plan. Love a little order. We set out to feed the troops some fish sticks and toator tots, watched a movie and then went back to our hotel. Sleep went great. Grant didn't wake up once.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Road Trip Day 36

I kept everyone up all night as I kept pumping up the air mattress. Was afraid the babies would be sucked right in. The seam is blown so sadly to say it is not repairable. Each repair is only going to move the hole up. All part of the road trip memories.

I can hear it now, "do you remember when mom slept on the air mattress with the twins and every hour or so you were woken up with a fright due to the sound of her airing it up again?"

Well today was work, work, work. So tickled. Haven't had to do much of that in the last 35 days. Washed all the bedding, towels, made beds, cleaned out the fridge, took the trash to the dump, mopped the floor and of course packed. Getting pretty good at that. The kids were nuts wondering when we would go play with Conner. They were outside so as to not mess up what I just cleaned up.

We all went for hot dogs and ice cream and then to Conner's house to play and say good by. So glad we got some pictures and video with him. We spend almost every day playing together.

Then Randy gave all the kids hugs and a talk about obeying the mommy. Then it was my turn for hugs, kisses and a few tears. Daddy is missing us already. We still have three weeks of our road trip to go.

Hummed a few bars of "On the road again," and we were off to Michigan. Made one gas stop and stayed to long at McDs. All good the kids need to play. Sherman was just not happy about anything. He seems to only want what other people get. Then poor guy spilled his chocolate milk.

What a joy to drive into my old college town. I haven't been back since I was pregnant with Kay and that was a short visit at that. Can't wait to show my kids around. Best part is I get to do it with two of my good friends from school, Ray and Shannon. Blast from the past here I come.

Ray met us at the hotel he is putting us up at. He aired up a NEW air mattress for us and watched the brood while Reye and I went for luggage.

Then good friend that he is, he picked up some breakfast foods for us at the grocery store and was on his way back to his family. We are to be ready at 9:30 sharp. Can't wait to share church with my old buds.

Meeting Ray in college was like a blind evangelism date set up by God, minus the dating part. Well that is another whole story. I'm sure I will tell sometime while I am here.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Road Trip Day 35

Last full day in OHIO. We went to the sandy beach. The twins had a great time.

Came back and started to clean out the car.

Randy started a fire in the kiln and we made some yummy marshmallows. Randy's cousin Megan came with her son Conner and grandpa Robin. It was great fun, the fire, fire flies, a cool breeze and family.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Road Trip Day 34

Today Randys aunt Susan and uncle Larry are coming over. I took our two large bags of trash to a dumpster, fixed everyone breakfast and cleaned up the house.

Once all the work was done we waited and waited and waited. Not like they were late I was just bored. On the porch we were, the kids wanted inside but we had just cleaned it up so we were outside and hot. Couldn't go anywhere because they would be here soon. I do not like sitting, I do not like going nowhere, yet I sat.

Finally it got close to lunch time. I got to go in and make some lunch. They arrived just as I was about to fed the kids. Susan brought a snack for the kids and a great salad.

More sitting but at least we were talking. Walk, play, run, but never sit. I was never so glad to have a sink full of dishes to do. Didn't care what kid was suppose to be doing them.

I tried to get the twins down for a nap. Didn't work. I am way to hyper to help little ones sleep. Had to turn it over to Randy. I played a bit of a card game. Still more sitting. we couldn't even go down by the lake and through rocks as it was to hot.

Then Conner came over and everyone wanted to play inside. No, kids must be outside, Ugh.

Now the kids are all lined up on a bench outside bored. Hay I can relate. I am climbing the walls as well. They went to Conner's.

Had a short but fun conversation with aunt Suzan and then they left. I am ready to grab the suits and split for the lake. Need some action. Randy doesn't want to, he wants to sit some more but let's me go to do my blog. Not really what I want to do but at least my mind and hands are moving.

I desperately need to dance, swim and play.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Road Trip Day 33

This morning we had some eggs or at least I did. Love it how the favorite food changes like the wind for kids. No one really wanted to eat them. Go figure.

Reye had spent the night with Conner so we met them at the corner beach. Boy the floating algae was just everywhere. I am really looking forward to clear lake Michigan. I took the twins out in the two inner tubes and we had a blast. I sang sangs, we counted, played ring around the Rosie and row, row, row your boat. Then Sherman really wanted a boat ride motored by Daddy. He came out and took Sherman. I helped Grant carry buckets of water ove rto the sand and showed him how to use the molds. Reye, Petra and Kay were just playing on their own most of the time. so independent these days.

Then we came back for a quick change and off to the ice cream shop. We had hot dogs and ice cream. Daddy left us their while he ran out for bait. Grant ate the bottom of his cone 1st. Hilarious to watch. The ice cream was pouring out the bottom while he ate it from the top. Sherman was just a drippy lovely mess. I had to keep scooting over in hopes of not wearing his ice cream. Just makes ya laugh.

Randy had a mean head ache so he was happy to lay down with twins. Sad to say the air mattress seems to have a leak. Thank goodness we can keep airing it up. Please hold out for the rest of the trip.

Kay and Reye were playing at Conner's again. I grabbed the lap top and Petra and we were off to Rudder's for some computer time. Petra was a trooper. She colored, played with connect 4 and the peg toys. She build all kids of stuff. i got my job search and blogs updated. I also did a little reading on parenting styles. Still scratching my head.

Disappointed that Reye broke the rule to not play the Wii. Just heart broken when I found out. Day three where he hasn't played right with the Wii. Not sure what to do. I will have to get Dad involved. Funny part was when Reye was out with Robin and Conner at the store. Reye followed some old lady out to her car. No clue.

Randy was gracious regarding Reye's punishment. Vacation has really mellowed his response. He just can't play anymore in OHIO.

We ate some left overs and Conner came over. Randy went out with Reye and Sherman for some fishing. Sherman carried a big pole out all by himself.

The rest of us just hung out and watched some TV and played outside a bit. One hour to go till bed time. I am ready for this gaggle to turn in. Randy came back from fishing with 3 good sized perch. much better than those Sheep heads. Yuck.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Road Trip Day 32

We all slept in a bit this morning. A catch up day. Need to do some laundry, mop the floor. it is a bit cloudy so we aren't sure if it will rain. Better check to see if the flies are biting. I set out after everyone had breakfast and the twins were changed for hopefully the last grocery run. Then off to update my blog. Randy was reading a book about trucks to the twins as I left. Warms my heart. It sure is nice to have this alone time. Always a bit rushed as I don't want to hold everyone else's fun up while they wait on mom.

I took everyone but Kay to a park to play. She wanted to read. The park wasn't much but they had diggers. I called and talked to all the Michigan friends I will be seeing in a few day. So excited that Saturday is but a few days away. Can't wait to get the kids together to play. the Touw's have two little ones under three. Kay will be loving on everyone and the twins will love the playmates.

I also got to speak to my spiritual mom. I am so blessed to hav Siola in my life. We will definately be praying together. I am expecting great things.

I took the older kids to Conner's house again to play the Wii. Had some rules for Reye. He is getting quite crafty in manipulating the situation so he gets to play forever. Well it didn't go well. He talked Conner into giving him one more turn, one more this and that for almost and hour and a half. Kay was in tears because she didn't really get to play. Well Reye has lost his privilege to play on Conner's Wii for the rest of the trip.

We came back to the house for some Barbecue Chicken and Potatoes. Randy did an amazing job. I had got him some different charcoal that burned hotter an faster than he was use to. Last grilling was a little over done. This one was perfect. Randy is a quick study.

Then crazy adventurer Randy went and got a ladder so the kids could climb into the tree for their rope swing. Scared eme to death hearing them talking about how to not be body slammed into the tree.

I let Reye walk over to Conner by himself for the sleep over.

Bedtime was fun. It is so great to just have Randy in the house rather than the studio. He checked on Petra in the bath, put a diaper on a freshly bathed child and helped with PJs. All the while I was doing dishes, folding clothes and handling the other twins needs. Really helps to keep the frustration down when Mom doesn't have to run in three directions at the same time. Hope we can keep some of this team work going at home.

Once all settled into bed the twins were like two worms just wiggling all over me. We sang songs and tickled. Kay really wanted to join in on the fun but I knew 4 in the bed would just be crazy. We laughed and laughed at Sherman. He started to eat the mommy, saying yum, yum, cake. Life doesn't get any batter than that. I'm cake.

Sherman and Grant have very strong opinions about what songs they like. If you start one they don't want they just shout, no,no. Most requested was Stars and Bah, bah, black sheep. I snuck in Jesus Love me. They like the Bible part.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Road Trip Day 31

Randy came back from early fishing with a small perch and a large fish that tasted nasty. He fixed the fish for breakfast. We all had some toast and were off to the ferry on foot. It was cool morning so we opened up the house.

The kids loved the ferry ride. The twins wanted to look over the edge at the water. Probably the best past was renting an 8 seater golf cart. It was great to have the wind in our hair. Then we went out for lunch for some sea food. the kids were not fond fo the shrimp, crabs legs or lobster bisque. While Randy was trying to finish off the excess food I took everyone else to the park.

I just wanted to relax on the bench so I wouldn't help Kay onto the tire swing. She is amazing. She climbed on the top rail and dropped down the tire swing. got to love her ingenuity.

We then went to museum. cool boats. Kay got to learn how to make strong boats with twine. Then we went to a chocolate museum. Mostly a chocolate shop. Yum.

When we got back Randy and the twins napped and I took Reye to Conner's house to play the Wii. he is loving it. i sat around and chatted with Joann.

Wow the twins ae really taking a long nap. It is 6:30 and everyone is still sleeping. I went to make dinner and the chicken I asked Kay to get out was back in the freezer. Two instructions at once is a bad idea. I asked her to look and see how many pieces we had and then put it on the counter. Oh well, I didn't really want to cook. I grabbed the girls and set out to find some dinner.

When we got back Randy and the twins were out front getting ready to go fishing so we ate without him. After dinner Kay took the twins and Perta to join Randy fishing. Kay and Reye REALLY wanted to go back to Conner's to play the Wii again. Kay was a bit sad. The friends across the way didn't let her play today. she could hear them outside laughing. What's a mom to do. So back to Conner's we went.

It is nice being at their house. They are just real down to earth people. The kids were having fun and I just got to sit back and be with he adults. Conner got bored watching Kay and Reye hog the game to Robin took him to find Randy fishing. No sooner were they all back at the house. Petra had been worried. She had missed me. The twins were just beaming to see me. Love it that my kids are delighted to see me when apart for just an hour. Can't ever imagine being apart form them for more than a few hours.

It was late so when we got home we all just piled in bed. Reye is missing sharing the fun of being in the same room with all the other kids so I let him hang with us for a bit. He helped me sing Z was a wee little man.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Road Trip Day 30

We are exactly half way through our trip. Sleeping last night was a bit rough. Everyone is suffering a bit with congestion. Randy likes it hot so he is blaming the air conditioning. He can be like a bad subliminal message some time.

All the kids had piled in with me while I was putting the twins down. Wow was the mattress under pressure. We were laughing and caring on. Thing is Kay and Reye were the ones ot fall asleep not the twins. had to practically dump them off. Kay wouldn't budge.

I made eggs for everyone. Really need some butter. They had some in the freezer. Wow that stuff must have been old. Tasted awful. had to cook the eggs with olive oil.

Then we sat around on the porch trying to plan our day. Randy and I talked a bit about parenting. We are still worlds apart. The kids next door were off to the beach down the road so we followed suit. Great time. This water at this beach drops off fast so better swimming for me but a bit more dangerous. not to mention the rocks are big and walking is like a land slide. Not to bad getting down but up was like quick sand. Randy took a few kids at a time in the raft we have. They really seem to like that. Randy and the older two stayed behind for an adventure, while the younger 3 came back with me for some lunch.

When everyone was home we played a card game while the twins napped. Now it is mommy time. The computer is calling my name. Kay came with me and we got some good girl time in.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Road Trip Day 29

Kay and I got up early and went to a coffee shop before everyone was awake. This is letting me stay caught up on my blog. Vacation stuff is fun but I do miss my daily computer contact.

We went wave running in Port Clinton. Kay was the star, Reye was a little scared. The twins were real champs and Petra said she was never going on one ever again. The twins and I played in the sand and ate popcorn while we waited on the family.

When we got home Randy and the twins took a nap. we all had Popsicles on the porch and went to Rudders for some games and computer time. Reye made fast friends with a couple of boys his age. When we came back to the cottage the boys were still all sleeping. YES!!!

I got started on dinner while the older kids played outside. Dinner was good. I took the kids for ice cream at the end of the street. What fun and indulgent to have a ice cream shop in walking distance. Then I took Reye and Kay on Reye's football training. Having fun watching him run and doing push ups.

Before bed we all went out and watched for stars. So clear out here.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Road Trip Day 28

Took it easy this morning. Kids played outside. Randy pushed them on the swing. We did some laundry, cleaned up a bit and went for a walk in the woods. We ended up near a old time market. Randy and I took turns watching the twins outside and everyone got candy. Now this taking turns took a little work. Randy got sucked into the vortex of museum artifacts and reading material. Sherman was soon walking among the breakables free and I was swooping up my chicks and taking them outside where they belong. Only when I called back into the store did he register this need. So different and so much communication needed.

After our walk we had some leftover pizza, sat on the porch and watched the kids play. I was able to get away for a little computer time while the twins napped with Randy. All my big and little boys need their sleep.

When I got back I was ready for action. I got the lowdown that Petra got a bloody nose from the swing and that they got in trouble for waking up Daddy. The kids wanted to play a new card game Daddy brought with him. We just got started when Randy grumpily came out to join us.

After the game the kids played with play dough. Grant needed a fun quiet activity to get him in a happy mood. Petra and Reye were making alien masks. I made a man and snake for Grant. Randy had wanted everyone out on this beautiful day but we compromised in that they would be out the rest of the night.

We invited Robin and Conner for burgers and dogs. The kids were having a good time. Sherman and Grant were still giving Conner a hard time. They just seem to like to beat on him. Randy got a fire going outside. We went down to the waters edge, climbed the rocks and threw a bunch in. The twins got up high and I kept them in supply of pebbles to through. Hilarious watching the twins guarding their pile. You know God made so few rocks to through.

Everyone else went back to the house and Reye and I went for a run. He needs to get fit for football. I picked a target up ahead and he had to run back and forth to me till I reached it. He was Not enjoying it. When we got back we had a talk about how he needs to do more of this. Best part is I suggested that they all build an obstacle course. They worked on their idea and map for almost an hour. Didn't even want to come it. Love it.

Then we got everyone ready for bed and settled in for a Veggie Tales movie and bed. My favorite part is the theme PJs. I had Grant doing his spiderman dance. Sherman jumping and roaring like a dinosaur and Petra fluttering about like a butterfly. We all join Petra in fluttering. Well I joined the little ones. Randy would look up from his book to comment with prompting.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Road Trip Day 15 - 27

Road Trip Day 15
June 26, 2010 continue ...

We went swimming one last time. The kids are really a good team. The babies love Kay and she can hold them in the water.

Mom came over while I got stuff packed in the car. The kids were playing with play dough. It has been a great feeling to be able to keep our lives organized while living out of a suitcase going from place to place. Still have a shoe closet, a laundry bag behind the door and a place for everything. I really like the simplicity.

Iron Man was our last movie. Musical beds around here. I always start out with both the twins then migrate to another bed. Tonight I slept with Petra. She moves the least. I actually got all the laundry done. What a good feeling.

Road Trip Day 16

June 27, 2010

Slept great. Up at 7:15. Feeling a bit overwhelmed that I have to have everyone fed, dressed, the car packed and out the door by 9am. Grant woke up crying and was fussy for most of the morning. It is going to be a challenge packing the car. I usually leave the twins somewhere, where they cant' get in the way for the final touches. No such luck today. The rest of the kids were up at 8am. They were moving slow and my patients was wearing thin. We got out the door by 9:10. I apologized to the kids for yelling. We agreed that next time we will all have to get up earlier so mom wont be so impatient and pushy. We are a team. Their words and feeling count.

We ate lunch meat it the car and picked up some donut holes. We were a few minutes late for church. The service was great. Cried the whole way through. It was about Daniel. Daniel had allot taken from him but he wasn't going to let that stand in the way of him serving his God. He would not let himself be defiled in even something small, like eating meat sacrificed to idols. God always makes away.

We went out for lunch at "Noodles." I ended up at the kids table so Grant wouldn't be disagreeable. Mom was with us and we even got a picture.

Greg helped me get settled into the new hotel. Then he took the oldest 3 back to his house. Great room. No closets. I managed. Got our stuff under beds and in bags hanging. I always find a way.

Then I took the twins to the grocery store. We are set for another week for about $100.

Then we Got the rest of the kids and came back to the hotel. dinner was interesting with 3 chairs. We each took turns and passed the plate of veggies. Great fun.

We tried to turn in early but their was a beautiful sunset right outside our window. The sky was all red. Sherman and Grant stood in the window and just hammered and hammered on and on about it. Sherman called the clouds water stars. Love it. I just layed back and smiles at my beautiful family.

Sleep was not easy. The walls are thinner and some other baby was crying at 11pm. 1st night in a new place is always hard on Grant. He needed comfort at least 3 times. I was playing musical beds. Get him settled, move, he would find me and we would do it all over again.

Road Trip Day 17

June 28, 2010

Laura got me hooked up for an exercise class 3 days this week. Needed to have everyone up and out by 9am. We had a good breakfast. My patients seems to be running thin again today.

The class was great. A few things I couldn't do but the instructor and people were great.

With the rain we deciced not to go swimming or the a playground. Their Library is great. They had a play area for the twins, computers and a book Kay has wanted to read. We will definately be back.

Back for PB&J and a nap. I didn't get one but Sherman did. Way to much TV on this trip. We have made the bathroom a playroom. What a hoot. The only place the kids can get away form the twins.

After naps we went to find a place to make a key for Randy. He lost his in the lake this weekend. GPS wasn't very helpful in finding this kind of store. finally after 30 minutes I get to Home Depot. they don't carry the make of car we have. Sent to another place. never found it. Maybe we will try again on another day. He does have the truck to drive.

Now we are off to the mall for some dinner and play at the indoor play land. Wish San Antonio had more of these. It was a blast. Greg and his kids met us their. After eating we played. I love my family. The older ones just laughing and playing with the twins. Grant was just beaming with joy. Greg is the best uncle. Kay and Reye even got to go off for 15 minutes wit their older cousins. The boys went to Game Stop and the girls went to Build a Bear.

After much play we came back to the hotel for some popsciles and then some needed bathes. Grant was still just full of fun. laughing, splashing and swimming.

Now bed time wasn't nearly as happy. Grant is still just full of frustration. Wanting something but not able to say. Finally after much discipline and hugs he says water and we are mostly all good. What a fighter he can be. Once asleep we were all good for the night. Best part, Kay took Sherman so I didn't have to change beds.

Road Trip Day 18

June 29, 2010

What a great morning. Only one little cry at 4am. I woke up feeling good and just happy to be alive. Today is going to be a good day. No one is up yet and I have had a shower, am dressed and just enjoying this peaceful momment. We are going to the Zoo today. Wish I coud get on the internet to find out how long a drive it will be.

I pray that I can have patients this morning and that my children will obey and be loving.

Having a great day. The Zoo was amazing. Best part was we got in free. a new Bank bought tickets to share with the community. Saved us $65.00. Then come to find out my old HS friends was going to pay for all of us. Wow. Do I feel blessed. We even got some cool pictures made for the younger 3 also for free. Reye and Chase just had the best time talking the whole time. We saw a Dolphine show. The twins were rivieted and Kay and Reye sat in the splash zone. The animals were amazing. We were pooped by the time we left. hard work getting twins in and out of the strollers and keeping and eye on everyones movements.

Kay was dying for a slushy so on the way home I agreed to take her to DQ. Couldn't find one and ended up at Baskin n Robbins. Another great find. Tuesday is $1.00 scoop day. Horray.

Reye went home with Carey's mom to spend the night with my mom. a night sure to be full of games and fun.

The twins were great tonight. We were up late but everyone was laughing and just having fun. We also went to a park till 10 pm. The temperature is just wonderful.

Road Trip Day 19

June 30, 2010

No one wanted to get up. Sherman cried in the night and I fell out of bed next to Petra. thank goodness I didn't crush her. We got some money out of the bank and off to exercise with Laura, David and Danielle. Then we went to a park. Back for home cooked lunch and a nap for mom. Everyone else watched TV. Now we are off to the library. nice slow day.

Road Trip Day 20

July 1, 2010 Thurs

We headed for Mom's so we can all go to Conner Prarie together. We all loved it.

Got home just in time for the kids to get their stuff together and go over to Greg's. He is taking the older 3 to the movie Toy Story 3 and for dinner.

I took the twins to a park to play. I was talking to my mom and Sherman said "no Phone" when I was trying to swing him one handed.

Grant woke in the night with a terror. Screamed for a while.

Road Trip Day 21

July 2, 2010 Fri

Exercised with Laura. Then we went to her house for corn dogs. We went swimming. Great pool. David and Danielle are the best kids. they both really seem to enjoy playing with all of mine. They are 13 and 14 yet not ugly teens at all. David even sat with me by the baby pool and just carried on with the twins.

I had forgotten how cold you can get swimming in Indy. The twins were just shivering and the pool water was a little chilly. Love it.

I made spagetti for dinner back at the hotel. Then my mom and brother called. Greg wants to treat me to a night out. They will watch all the kids at his church from 7-9 pm. They decided it would be more fun for the kids to be able to play with all the toys in the nursery. Love my family. Play is where it is at. I got to join my mom and aunt for dinner. Two very special ladies.

Road Trip Day 22

July 3, 2010 Sat

Woke up not feeling to good. Feels like alergies. we got to my moms around 11 am. I did my 5 job searches, checked e-mail and then we went to Conner Praire. i lust love that place. the older 3 really wanted to see and hear everything but the twins caused us to have to cut somethings short. they wanted to touch everything and "no" ment a bit of crying. The inside area is perfect for the twins. They really seemed to enjoy garending and cooking. Kay liked the science stuff and the store. Reye found a train lego set to put together. Petra just kind of fluttered about.

Then we went back to my Mom's to hang out and visit with my Aunt Linda. We all lover her so much. Lots of tickle bugs and cuddles for my kids. She thinks Kay is just like one of her grandchildren. She also played Nurse Ratchet and made everyone laugh.

Back at the hotel I started in on packing the car. A bit overwheming at 1st but once in the grove of it I was fine.

Reye has been dying for the new lego game so we set out to Super Target to find one. No double carts again so Grant is just riding free in the back. not good since he climed out a few times. Petra still had her $5 burning a hole in her pocket so she got a few things. Kay had gotten a loom at Conner Prairie. On the way out we also picked up some yummy icecream treats. Best part is when we got back to the hotel to eat them we shared with a guy on the porch. Friendly folks. I also gave the rest of our frozen food to a guy. Great joy to bless some else.

We watched some Star Wars and finally went to sleep around 11pm. The twins were eating an apple and talking about the bad guys. Hilarious. They talked about the door both ran to it and then they said mommy and ran to me. No one crying or screaming. Just lots of laughter.

Road Trip Day 23

July 4, 2010
We had lunch at Gregs, homemade pizza. Great that Mom took a picture of all the grandchildren. Then around 3pm we were on the road to Ohio. Only 4 1/2 hours to go. I was tired and the kids were squirly but from time to time they were good. It was great to drive up to the house and see Rachel swinging on a swing. Some distant family of Ron's was also on the porch. We visited and then went to the water to watch the fire works in the distance. I mostly watched Sherman and Grant that were just amazed. We all stayed up late and the kids watched a movie. All kids slept in the living room. Sherman and Grant went down pretty easy. Poor grant fell out of bed once but want back to sleep fairly easy.

Road Trip Day 24

July 5, 2010

The kids played and had jelly toast with their cousins in the morning. We also met some kids that are visiting family next door. I got all of our stuff in the house and situated. We were then going ot go swimming at the lake but the twins fell asleep ont he way. Good for some down time back at the house. We can swim later.

Road Trip Day 25

July 6, 2010

I actually got my coffee before everyone else woke up. Had a nice slow morning. We had eggs and toast. I was ready for an adventure, we were going to find a place to play. We left the house in time to go to McDs.

We went to East Habor State Park. Not much of a playground but great beach. Most sand I have seen here. We didn't stay to long as we didn't have suits. We needed to grocery shop and get naps.

After naps the girls were invited to a tea party.

The beach was a blast. All the kid had a great time playing in the water and sand.

Road Trip Day 26

July 7, 2010

Today is the day that Randy will join us on our trip. He has a cousin Megan that lives near the airport that is willing to go and get him. nice to not have to make the long drive. Megan's dad, Robin, is here for the summer with Megans son Conner. We all went out to the corner beach. conner is a real fish. Just in and out of the water with ease.

Robin brought a bunch of floatations that the kids could play with. I got the twins out in the water in two inner tubes. I was so glad that they were happy just floating around together. We stayed out for a few hours.

Then we drove to the store for a movie and to get the twins to sleep. horray it worked. We all watched Avitar toghether and then I made a nice dinner. We went out to play and our friends accross the street came out and offered to take us all out for ice cream. Love it. We came back played till dark and then watched our movie again till Daddy arrived. The kids just piled on him so happy to see him. Kay couldn't wait to tell him how much money she had earned writting sentences and reading books.

Road Trip Day 27

July 8, 2010

Woke up eary to a kitchen cleaned by my dear husband and coffee brewing. We sat and talked for a bit before the troops awoke. Kay and Petra were invited over next door for breakfast. We had decided to have a pretent sleep over arriving in PJs for breakfast. I went to town to find WFI. Needed to pay some bills, look for work and request my unemplyment check and certainly check my FB. Love the Internet. Not enough time to drop all these entries into my blog yet.

When I got back we decided to go swimming at the corner beach with Robin and Conner again. We all had a great time. Randy pulled out this old, old raft for the kids to play on. He motered them around and then when the twins were tired I took him back and they all napped together while we stayed at the beach for an hour or so.

I went to the store for a few odds and ends and picked up pizza for dinner. Out all by myself. Wow. After dinner we all sat around watching some Veggie Tales and turned in early. Feeling a cold coming on. Hope I am well soon.