Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines Day

Having your own creative business is a joyous challenge.  I absolutely love making these flowers.  So many places I could go to try and market them yet with twins in toe I choose to let my flowers just ride along with us and only sell where we are already going.  I hope these precious valentines hair clips find a home soon.

God's Provision

I had an interview for Assistant Manager, Quality Assurance - UTHSCSA Allograft Resources. 
My heart is so torn over going back to work.  This job opportunity is to good to pass up.  Yet my heart is still to stay home with my kids and give them my best.  Yet work has been hard to come by for my husband.  We have had to cut WAY back and then when their was no where else to cut back we had to start looking outside ourselves for our basic needs to be met.  Extremely humbling yet empowering to see God provide.

The best part is what God is showing me. The past 2 years we have been living on VERY little income. What a blessing it has been to learn how to pray and see God's provision. The thought of having enough money to take care of all our needs/wants raised the question of whether I would continue to pray for God's direction regarding spending. Has my faith in God's ability to provide for us, when we couldn't, expanded enough that I would only spend as he directs when the money was already in my hand. I am so thankful that God has removed my desire to go back to spending based on my own understanding as I know the richness of his bounty found in listening to His voice for every dime I spend in this long season of want.