Wednesday, January 6, 2010

God Momments / Gen 16 - 17

Rubens Annunciation 1628 AntwerpImage via Wikipedia

Gen 16 - 17

My flesh is definitely reacting to these passages. Wow, what a turn around, where were you God, how long will you make me wait for my dreams, and what a painful sign for the covenant.

Still seeking for God's inspiration about this message. For as all of God's word is to be alive in me. Then I know he has given me a glimmer of his direction when it ignites something in my heart.

Lord please show me your message from this passage. I want to see more than a Heavenly Father that was late on his promise. I want to see your Majesty and perfect provision. I just want to see you.

One part that is very simple that touched me is the respect between Abram and Sari. Abram didn't demand that he have children through Hagar, nor did he sleep with her on the side. Then when Hagar became ugly to Sari, Abram did not demand that she remain even though Hagar was now his wife. He had given Hagar to Sari as a servant and he let her have charge over her.

A good husbands delegates to his wife and allows her to grow and learn much like a child through trial and error within that authority. Abram could have torn her down for her foolish choices but he saw the higher things. Respect, love and trust in his wife as his right hand was more important than perfection.

I am thankful for such a husband as this yet I fear the mistakes I may make, that much like Abram, he will stand behind me while I make. Thank you God for this foresight. For I can see that I must always seek you for council in how I make choices. Mutual submission can lead to mutual sin if left unchecked by the Holy Spirit.

Thank you God for not letting my heart be content with my reaction to the reading. For you did have a great and powerful word for me today. I just had to seek and pray for your revelation.

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