Tuesday, January 26, 2010

American School in London reunion on FB

Finchley Road Underground Station EntranceImage via Wikipedia

I am having way to much fun tracking down old friends through FB. Probably the most life changing period of my life occurred from 7-9th grade while I lived in London and attended the American School in London.

It all started because I wanted to find my friend Cynthia Harris. She was probably my only friend that stuck by me the whole 3 years. We stayed the night at each others houses often, went out dancing, the Pub, a mission trip to Spain, Paris with school and Ierland with her Mom. I visited her in Georgia when we both moved back to the states in 1985. After that we probably exchanged a few letters and lost touch.

I didn't stay in touch with anyone else but I think of everyone I knew often. This was a magical time in my life.

On the positive side it was my 1st time out of the States. Going to ASL was like going to college. At the time I didn't know that, but looking back it was much like a college experience. The teachers were crazy into their fields using strange teaching methods to keep our attention. We were able to go on amazing trips all over Europe. Never did I imagine that this would be the highlight of my travels for a life time. We had more freedom than we should have but it created an amazing bond with our friends. We were young teens so we either loved each other or hated each other but when we were tight it was great.

Who would have thought that my wild days would have been from 7-9th grade. I drank, I smoked, I kissed all the guys in public and we were free to go as we pleased on the Tube.

I learned a lot of the hard lessons of life during this time as well. I learned to feel out a group of people before assuming what is socially acceptable. I learned how to watch out for strange people. I learned how to drink responsibly, how to navigate a large city, how to make good friends, and most importantly to see my need for a Savior.

ASL was a great time but it wasn't an easy time. I jumped in with both feet chasing the boys and trying to copy what my peers had done in Florida. They were all necking in the corners and being very flirty.

I still to this day feel a lack of closure over the hurt caused by many at ASL. I was quickly labeled a slut for kissing in public. No good friend took me aside and said hay your name is going to go down the tubes if you keep that up. I just had to live it out.

I look back and know that it was all part of God's plan. I have always been a fighter. Wanting to prove that I can do anything. I remember picking up a note written about me saying that I would probably be pregnant by 15 at the rate I was going. I decided then and their that I was no longer going to be that I kind of girl and I wasn't. I never lived it down at ASL but I never had the reputation again. Not only did I not have that reputation but I never even had sex till my wedding night with my 1st husband at the age of 22.

I am so close to being able to stick that one to the girl that was the worst. I am glad she isn't on FB. It would be way to tempting.

I know these struggles led me to Christ but no one should have to find Christ because they have been stripped of their dignity.

Now why am I so happy to be reuniting with these lost friends and reminded of this season of my life. Despite these hardships it was the best part of my life. A little name calling and long stares can't take that way.

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