Sunday, August 1, 2010

Road Trip Day 51

Up at 6:45. Today is church and we need to be out the door by 8:30. Glad to have my shower and be dressed before anyone is up. Feeling good humming a praise song. For all things are possible with Christ. It was time to wash Kay's hair. She has been sponge bathing herself since she broke her arm but it was time to do a good job. It was funny. I had to wash her. Hadn't done that in years. Boy does she have some long legs.

Church was good. We went to a Sunday school class. Great message about sacrifice. One man shared about how he went to help clean out houses after Katrina. The sacrifice was stopping to hear their stories. He was set on the task before him yet God had personal business to take care of. I shared about laying down with my twins to get them to sleep. This sacrifice of my time has been an amazing blessing. Smelling them, holding them, singing to them. One day they won't need me in this way. I praise God that I can and will be able to love on them for many more years.

After church we had some lunch and then I took the kids out to see a water fall. Sherman stayed close while Reye and Grant were ready to charge the rocks and climb into the water. Everyone was amazed at how big and powerful the water was. I just wanted to drink in God's creation. Then we went for ice cream. I love watching them eat ice cream.

Dad made a great dinner of pork chops, rice and broccoli. We eat out on his sun porch.

Then I took the youngest 3 out for a walk. It was a laugh minute. We sang songs, they stared down the rain grates and best of all the twins got excited about every piece of poop the geese left behind. They had to stop and inspect them and then ran to the next poop. Then we made it around the pool where their were a bunch of rocks. They threw rocks till finally Petra got in the line of fire. We had to walk in the grass on the way home hoping the poop would come off. Towards the end they wanted to stamp out the poop.

Once home it was about bedtime. Kay is enjoying the science Chanel.

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