Thursday, January 26, 2012

God's Provision

In September of 2011 I was looking into going back to work.  Feeling the need to help my family out financially.  Wresting with how to provide the best for my 5 kids ages 3-10 at the time.  I decided that I would look into working at a childcare center.  This would allow me to take the twins with me and work early enough in the day to be home before the school kids got home.  At every turn I was not a good fit.  Not to mention the pay grade would be way BELOW what I was use to making.  I didn't give up but just decided I would pick up looking again after the holidays.  Now here is where God's amazing provision came into play.

October - Our dog that was impregnated by a pit bull that jumped our fence grossed me $40.00 per pup.  We sold 4.

November - On a whim I made a couple of flowers after seeing some a friend had made.  Another friend saw them and said I should make some more for the craft fair she was hosting.  I wouldn't even have considered it, but with Christmas around the corner, and a broken sewing machine needing repair, I thought what the heck.  Let's see if I can make enough to cover a few expenses outside the monthly budget.  I had no idea if people would even be interested in.  My artistic expression has always been just an extension of myself.  Never have I created based on what others would want.  Having no idea where to begin I brought a few samples around to the gym, library and church just to see if others would even want them.  To my surprise and delight the response was very positive.  To date I have sold upward of $400.00.  Who knew - God did.

December - Randy's Game Truck partner requested to step down from some of his responsibilities.  I was asked to take over the majority of the party booking.  This has been a wonderful way for Randy and I to connect regarding the business and to make $20.00 per party booked.  I am likely to bring in anywhere from $200 - $500 a month.  Another form of income that I couldn't have put into place.  See something outside my control had to move before I could move in.  Who knew - God did.

I got a letter from the unemployment office late December that I am eligible for the next tier of benefits.  Blow my socks off.  My last level of benefits ended over a year ago.  Who knew - God did.

January -  My husband reminded me that given my income I should get back into the habit of tithing.  So I totaled up everything from the sale of my flowers, the puppies, GT parties to my unemployment and came up with a tithe of $110.  The Monday after I give the church my tithe I make a deposit to the bank for some cash I have had lying around.  Well it jams their machine.  The teller says she will put it in for what I wrote on my slip, yet she says she thinks I counted wrong.  She is going to deposit to my account everything her drawer is over at the end of her shift.  I get a call latter that day that she has added an additional $100.00 to my deposit.  Ha, God only kept $10.00 of my tithe.  Blow my socks off.  Who knew - God did.

So praise God for what ever season you are in and remember that your Father in heaven has a thousand cattle on the hill.

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