Thursday, November 10, 2011

Teach Your kids about Molestation

My heart is to teach parents how to teach their kids about predators. The majority of kids molested will be at the hands of a trusted family member or friend. We need to STOP teaching stranger danger. I teach my kids that NO one is beyond reproach. I put myself right in the mix. If mamma does something that hurts you or makes you uncomfortable you go right ahead and tell on me. I would rather myself be called into question so my kids know they have permission to tell on anyone.

I also teach them about all the pre-molestation tactics. Most kids won't realize they are being molested till they are being touched. By then it is to late. A molester will often groom a child for 6 months. I tell my kids to tell me

1) if someone shows them a picture of naked people (cartoon or real),

2) if anyone like a teacher or coach tries to spend one-on-one time with them,

3) if someone undresses in front of them,

4) if someone touches their own privates in front of them,

I also teach them about the "dirty pleasure" feeling. I tell them it is like being on a roller coaster you can't get off. One minute it may feel good, yet when you want off you can't. Drawn by the adrenalin rush you may even come back for more even though it made you sick to your stomach. I want my kids to know that God created those parts of their body to feel pleasure, yet when an older person awakens that part of them they are robbing them of finding that on their own. Yet their is no shame for having found pleasure in it. God made you that way.

Two key reasons kids don't tell. They are confused by how arousal triggered participation. 2nd they are shamed into thinking their parents or family won't love them.

By the way I majored in Crimes Against women and Children in College. Kind of my life's mission. Thanks for giving me a voice for what I am most passionate about.

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