Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ideal Protein wk1, Day 4

Scurrying around.  the weather doesn't look good for my outdoor show today.  A lot of work getting everything together before I go to church.  Feeling good but apprehensive.  This will be my 1st day to eat on the go.  My plan for veggies is to get them at the market today.  I have a bar of some kind for my lunch.

A lady at the farmers market made an amazing salad.  It did have a few strawberries, apples and oranges but otherwise is was all amazing veggies.  The dressing was olive oil and lemon juice.  I did pass up eat any of the amazing fruit.

I was able to get some really good greens, I can't wait to try.  It was a wonderful environment.  No tempting foods or smells.

No when I got home I was starving.  Randy had grilled.  The ribs that were for me were tough and nasty.  He had made another piece of meat that was yummy but after 1st taste I could tell it was covered with sugar.  I ate it anyway.  Then I made some veggies from the market.

So I cheated a little but it was a good learning experience.  Eating a little bit of sweet fruit/sugar really increased my desire to keep eating well past being full.  Not to mention nibbling rather than making my plate is danger, danger.  Then I was to full to eat the required Ideal Protein snack.  So I didn't.

Weekly Monitoring
Weight Lost/gained - 206 at home w/clothes & shoes  TOTAL LOSS = 2.2

Rate the following on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best)
Attitude 9
Physical effects 9
Impact Family 9
Cheating/Temptation 7
 Outlying factors that made this day challenging 7
(Craft show, eating on the run, Selling Girl Scout cookies)

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