Monday, February 11, 2013

Ideal Protein wk 1, day 5

Today has started well.  It is only 8:20 and I have already finished my bible study and am ready to start the day.  I slept well and have good energy.  I was REALLY glad to see the # on the scale.  I saw a big jump in the right direction.  Really helps with the motivation.

The chocolate drink* was good and I have a great selection of vegetables to have for lunch with my mashed potatoes*.

Mash potatoes were wall paper paste.  Not the worst but I have never been fond of instant potatoes.

The rest of the day went well.  I made an amazing salad and fished off the deer meat.  I need to eat my snack a little earlier and just leave a little for an after dinner snack.  it felt like I was forcing myself to eat it last night.

Weekly Monitoring
Weight Lost/gained - 203.5 at home w/clothes & shoes  TOTAL LOSS = 4.7

Rate the following on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best)
Attitude 9
Physical effects 9
Impact Family 9
Cheating/Temptation  9
 Outlying factors that made this day challenging 8
(Husband, busy day & meeting church )

* ideal protein

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