Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ideal Protein Wk 1, Day 3

I slept pretty well, woke up with good energy and overall feel pretty good.  i am a little disappointed that I am not down to 200 yet.  what am i crazy.  Lose 8 pounds in 3 days.  i guess I just can't believe i got this far over my 200 line.  Maybe it was that 2 weeks of steroids.  well no sense looking back.  I just really want to get down to 150 by the end of all this.  i wanted  that to be a 200 pound loss in 18 weeks.  Now I have 58 pounds to loss.  That means i would have to loss an average of 3-4 pounds a week.  Not that realistic.  Lord please make it so.

Double yuck.  The crisp cereal with powdered imitation milk.  Then to top it off my water wasn't cold enough.  I made myself eat it.  I'm not getting ANY MORE food till noon.  Grant and I had a big laugh at mom eating yuck cereal.  i did get creative with the remaining milk.  I added instant coffee, artificial sweetener and ice.  i am stomaching this quite well.

Eating unpalatable food is a good reminder at how much food and pleasure go hand and hand for me.  i am reminded that I want my pleasure to come from my relationship with God not consumables.  i never thought about my eating good food as thrill seeking, but i guess it is.  Always needing a rush of good feelings.  i may be a seeker of good emotions but i pray i can find a healthier avenue for this emotional rush.

The rest of the day went pretty well.  I wasn't all that hungry or felt deprived.  I really like the soup mixes.  I was able to add leeks and mushrooms to make a really robust soup.

Weekly Monitoring
Weight Lost/gained - 206.5 at home w/clothes & shoes

Rate the following on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best)
Attitude 9
Physical effects 9
Impact Family 10
Cheating/Temptation 9
 Outlying factors that made this day challenging 10

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