Friday, February 8, 2013

Ideal Protein -Wk 1, D 1

Ideal Protein

 I am on a road to loose a minimum of 45 pounds.  It is a bit scary as I see my family eating What a Burger.  Going through the line, Waiting to come home to prepare my food.  Will I steel a fry,  will I feel deprived? Yet day 1 went well.  I liked the food and the vitamins gave me no trouble.  I stayed strong and felt good about it.  It is totally embracing to share the raw data of how big I really am.  But i am not doing it to tell those i love.  I am doing it to record how this is going for me and to share with others that need to hear my story.

My sinus are in real trouble.  Yet I feel much better this morning.  Maybe all the water I am drinking is helping.  I still struggled to sleep but I feel alert and in good spirits eager to make this work and take on the day.

Weekly Monitoring
Weight Lost/gained - 208.2 (Dr.s office w/ clothes & shoes)
Measurements Lost/gained - Bust (44), Waist (50), Hips (51)
Rate the following on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best)
Attitude 9
Physical effects 9
Impact Family 9
Cheating/Temptation 9
Outlying factors that made this day challenging 5
(family ate out, I was struggling with REAL sinus trouble)

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