Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ideal Protein wk 1, Day 6

This morning I woke up feeling great.  i am so excited to go to the gym.  My body doesn't hurt, my head isn't bursting and my sinus feel good.  I am still coughing stuff up and blowing my nose but it is very manageable.  I am beginning to wonder if i have a bit of an allergic reaction to dairy and/or wheat.  I know that both of these can be mucus producers.  This may really help me stay on tray if my well being is affected by what I eat.

Wow.  Today was really hard.  i just want to eat everything in sight.  Really had a hard time when i got stressed about work.  i just couldn't figure out this online postage.

I was really happy with myself.  i did not fall to temptation.  Even though i had to make cheese tacos and PBJ for the kids.  I didn't even take a taste.  Yippee for me.

i ate almost half a head a lettuce instead and had my pudding snack early.

I can't wait to weigh in tomorrow.  i hope i am not disappointed.

Weekly Monitoring

Rate the following on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best)
Attitude 5
Physical effects 6
Impact Family 8
Cheating/Temptation 5
 Outlying factors that made this day challenging 5
(WORK, online postage, husband, kids)

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