Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sweet Pea Momments / After the Rain

A classic snowman.Image via Wikipedia

Everything looks better after the rain. It was cool enough for us to have a quick dinner in the back yard. The twins had already eaten so they were enjoying swinging. Petra told me that swinging is "rocking in the sky". Then she asked me why it was taking so long to get to Christmas. She said she dreams every night about making snowmen. Then we went for a walk and Petra found a red straw and started "poofing" everything. The trees turned into twigs, the car became a bicycle and then Kay found a wand and turned the houses into doll houses. It was a right wonderland by the time we made it around the block full of sugar plum fairies, candy trees and a river flowing with chicken noddle soup.

What a blessing to walk in their world for a few moment's.

Day to Day / I just want to SCREAM!

No real reason. I just feel like it. I feel like a spoiled brat that didn't get her way. I want to go out and play yet mommy said I had to clean my room. We have been running errand and doing paper work this week for prep for school, old disputed medical bills and looking into sinus surgery. I just can't keep up or take on one more thing without the house falling completely apart. I have piles here and their, shoes are up and down the hall, the twins have removed their pants, and yesterday their diapers as well. Reye is in football for two hours everyday till school starts. What a dad. Randy has committed to taking him every day. I just hate being knee deep in diapers, laundry (that is all over the couch in my room), to do lists I can't keep straight, etc. I just thought that I would be playing with my kids rather than just keeping them fed, clothed and out of trouble. I also am frustrated because I want to spend time with my husband. I am happy to be up till midnight yet he is out cold by 10:30. Completely understandable, he get's up at 5:30 but this means I have no time to change gears. The babies don't go down till 10pm or so and they are still crying off an on at 10:30.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day to Day / Stop, Look and Listen

What do I like about and cherish about parenting? Of course all those sweet times but what is more rewarding is when I come up with some way to explain or teach a concept that is fun and actually seems to grab the kids attention. This is also what I come back to when I think of going back to work. Who else is going to care and take the time to creatively build my child's character by teaching not only what is right and wrong but how to internalize these values.

On the way to the grocery store this morning everyone was rattling off there questions in rapid secession while I was backing out of the drive. Now you have to understand that even opening your mouth while mom is backing out is a no, no. Well no one got what they wanted as a consequence and then I cam up with Stop, Look and Listen. Before they speak they are to stop thinking about themselves, Look at what Mommy is doing and Listen for if it is a good time to ask. Then they are to WAIT if mommy is busy or baby is crying.

Later that day we talked about the 3 parts to asking for forgiveness or saying your sorry. Recogize and tell what you did wrong, say your sorry and then tell how you are going to prevent this from happening again.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Prayer / Hebrew 2

I wanna hold your handImage by batega via Flickr

Hebrew 2

10In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering.

This passage made me think that we have a wrong thinking when it comes to suffering. It also made me think of another passage:

Romans 5
2through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we[a] rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3Not only so, but we[b] also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Joy, how crazy is that. I certainly don't like suffering, but then it wouldn't called suffering. I want out of the suffering but I guess it is what happens in your head once the suffering starts. Turning to God with full focus. Putting our thoughts fully on him believing and praying for relief.


Please help me to embrace the suffering that you put in my life that I may know you more.

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Writtings of Old / Best Pregnancy Ever 2004

I just posted thoughts I wrote back in 2004 while pregnant with my 3rd, Petra. I posted it with the date I actually wrote it 12/27/2004. This post talks about a renewed excitement for the pregnancy after having lost a baby three months before, when 10 weeks pregnant. Funny part I thought Petra was going to be a boy.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sweet Pea Momments / Your REALLY Big Shirt

An exercise ball.Image via Wikipedia

Ouch. I know my oldest loves me dearly but she really can stick it to me where it hurts. She wants to make this wrap around dress and said we could use one of my really, really big shirts.

Well I have gotten an excersize ball to sit/work out on while I am on the computer. I just find it so hard to multi task when it comes to exercise. Other women must do it or everyone that has children would be big. Sometimes I just consider it another one of the sacrifices I have made to have 5 kids in 8 years. I try and exercise in the room with the kids and the babies climb on me, I try and go for a walk but I don't have a triple stroller so when I am walking at Petra pace it is just to slow to be worth it. I don't have the time or money to go to a gym with child care, etc, etc, etc.

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day to Day / French Toast

Bread & Butter PuddingImage by HeatherW via Flickr

I am trying a new way to fix french toast. When you need a whole loaf of bread and 10 eggs it just isn't practical to stand at the stove dipping and flipping each one. I have done those casserole types before but mine always come out a little mushy. Hopefully this is better. I am using a cookie sheet and the bread is just two deep with butter and brown sugar. Then I poured the egg/milk mixture on it and top with cinnamon. The real kicker is we have to be at a football meeting at 10 am and the French Toast is still cooking. Randy would have taken Reye but he is off doing a pig hunt. Wouldn't want to be their but sure would love to be a fly on the wall watching.

Well it was ok, to speed it along I had to transfer one layer to a 2nd cookie sheet. A little messy try to move soggy bread. We ate in a flash and were on time. Sherman and Grant wanted out of their stroller and were hollering. I tried to let them walk in the back but they still hollered. The coach saw me and said we could leave.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Writtings of Old / Poem of Me 2005

I have just posted a Poem I wrote back in 2005. I posted it with the date I actually wrote it 7/14/2005. I am thankful that in many ways I have come to peace with the searching of my heart that this peom describes.

Prayer / Titus 3

These words struck me. I am not sure why. I am thankful that I have no divisive person currently in my life. I am just thankful to see instruction on how to deal with such a person and to see thier heart.

"10Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. 11You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned."

Dear Lord,

I just lift up such people as this that are stiring up all kinds of problems. Lord please bring them to a place of peace and desire for wholenesss within themselves.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Challenges that Bewilder Me/ Work Again?

A typical busy North American officeImage via Wikipedia

I don't think so. My interview today went all to well. My heart feels broken just thinking about the idea of being torn away from my family to push paper, posture and make someone else's dreams come true. This mind, body and soul belongs to my family. These are the times when God scares me the most. It isn't the hard times but it is in the way he may further require me to sacrifice for something even better down the road. I say my family needs me NOW. What if they offer me the moon? It has happened before. We could really bank some cash and Randy could help to make all of our dreams come true sooner. But I say what about today? What about the tears that I wouldn't be their to dry, the questions I wouldn't be able to answer, the laughs I would be able to share? Their will come a day all to soon when they will not need me as much as they do today. Then I can bring in the bank roll. For now I must follow my heart.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Challenges that Bewilder Me / SAHM vs Working

Just go my 1st call back for a job interview. It is for a Dr. I already know and a job I would probalby really like. I have enjoyed staying home but the quality of time I get with the kids is often not much more than I had when I was working part time.

Day to Day / Breakfast

We are having a great morning. I scrambled 12 eggs and toasted 10 pieces of bread, and it is all gone. I love listening to the kids conversations. We didn't have cheese for the eggs this morning so Petra was singing bye, bye cheese. and then Reye would follow with a low "hello cheese". Petra was indignant over this. Hands on hips. "You can't say hello to the cheese if we can't eat it." To lighten things up I said you can say hello to anything you want, even ice cream.

Well I spoke to soon, this wasn't enough food, they are now raiding the fridge for fruit.

Sweet Pea Momments / Computer Games

My poor son was in tears because I had to delete a game site from his computer. He just want to play Mario games but I look over and see ads on the top and bottom for meeting and chatting with girls. They even had flashing pics of girls with minimal clothing. He said he never clicks on that stuff and didn't want to. Poor guy it is so hard to understand when you are only 7. I tried to explain to him that that stuff is garbage and it is mommy's job to protect his eyes and ears from that garbage.

He is so quick. He then makes a good case for me buying him a Mario game for the wii. No garbage on those games.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day to Day / Know When to Quit!

JOLIET, IL - JULY 12:  Kyle Busch, driving the...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Have you ever had a day like I just had? Start out with great intentions of running a few arenas after a trip to the library. Not much just a trip to the bank and the tax office for my auto registration sticker. Easy right?

We get 20 books at the library and the line and the counter is always crazy for us. One of the twins managed to get out of the stroller, the other twin wasn't in one so he is twisting in my arms. I am trying to get the other 3 to put the checked out books back in their bags as the pile is mounting in front of us. Finally we are out the door and off to the car. Everyone has questions for me, can I read as we walk, can I have some water, what's for lunch, can we play on the play ground, are we going for a walk, what's that word, can you carry my bag, where are we going now, etc, etc and we haven't even reached the car yet.

Finally we are all buckled in and off to the tax office. It is down Nacodoches and well we are right on that corner. So I start driving but notice the the address I have is WAY smaller than the address around where I am. So I pull over and call my husband. He assures me that I don't need to go to the tax office. Just go to one of those municipal buildings by or house. So I turn around and head for home. At this point still feeling pretty good about the days plans.

I even see a KFC. I have been wanting to check out the grilled KFC. Now I shouldn't have to worry about having hungry kids. Everyone will be well fed.

Now we are at the municipal buildings and since I haven't a clue which one to go in I hop out leave the kids in the car and run in to ask. Hooray I am in the right place. Go mommy 1st try. Back out, unload all the kids, twins in strollers, etc. Kay is so into her book that she reads all the way into the building. Sure this will be great she can read to the little one that are beginning to cry. No problem, short line we will be out of here in no time. Hooray I am next. At the counter the lady asked for the "paper." I don't have the paper, that is why I am here. I never got the paper. Sorry lady you will need to go the tax office off of Nacodoches. Hmm. Where have I heard that before.

Now in the mean time Reye has gone to the restroom and he is taking forever.

The twins are pulling each others hair and drawing attention.

Finally Reye is out and we can leave. Kay is still trying to read her book and my 3 year old is pushing one of the babies strollers into everything. Finally I ask Kay to take over but her head is so into the her story that I don't think she heard me. Standing in the open door staring off to never land, while I try and pull one stroller out and unjam the other that is stuck on the open door.

Back to the car again, more questions from the peanut gallery and it is Texas HOT. What to do, what to do? The twins have had enough, I have had enough, but, but I don't want to have to try this all over again. This is it. This is when I had that still small voice in my head that said GO HOME. Did I listen? No. Did I pay for it? YES.

Certainly nothing else could go wrong. I knew exactly how to get to the tax office so let's just get this over with. FLASHING RED LIGHTS "Let's Just Get This Over With" is a bad sign that I am not going in the right direction. The babies are crying but we have water, everything will be fine. It wasn't fine, not one bit.

The babies screamed in alternating high pitches the whole time and my older three still had questions. Finally I instituted the NO questions rule and the NO why rule. If mommy tells you to do something or not to do something you just say YES mam and do it. Anything less and I will come unglued on you. Only to follow with a question from my daughter wanting to know what coming unglued was.

We finally make it to the area where the building should be. Lot's of office buildings, wonder which one it is. Oh, I have certainly pasted it by now. Turning around I enter into every business complex in search for the right number. Hooray we are here. Every one out with a strong reminder that their is no talking and no questions. Of cource the babies are still crying. Up to the counter only to see a big sign, "no credit cards." What was I thinking. Of course they aren't going to take credit cards. The lady reassures me that I can use my credit card at the ATM machine they have. Nope, mine is declined. Without a word I get my kids out and into the car. They aren't speaking but I bet they think we are done. If only we were done.

Finally we are home, babies have some milk, and I call the gang in for a group hug and lot of praise for how well they all handled this difficult day. We all laughed about how we spend two hours getting NOTHING done.

So please listen to that small voice and KNOW WHEN TO QUIT!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Ideas / Motherhood

What does it mean to be a mother? Is it at all what we thought it would be. Nine years latter can I even remember what I thought it would be. Motherhood has become for me about an amazing love and affection felt and realized in the craziest of times. It is the abandonment to that love that touches the deepest part of me. My 3 year old that absolutely melts down as I drive away for a few hours. I didn't sneak out the door and forget to say goodbye. No. I had given all the kisses and hugs inside. Then I watched with a heart so full as she runs full tilt toward the car with tears running down her face. "Hug mommy, Hug Mommy. Bye, Mommy, I will always love you."

It is my love for them that turns my own pain and discomfort off so that my kids can have a fun, safe day. Only after going swimming, fixing lunch, changing diapers, picking up my daughter, visiting a dance studio, feeding the family do I allow myself to fully recognize my need to see a doctor. Out of love for my family I go to an unfamiliar Doctor at the Med Clinic so that I will be available to my family tomorrow. This is often what motherhood is about for me. A sacrifice of self but with such an open heart and desire for closeness that to be selfish would be the thing that would bring me to tears.

I need moment away from them asking a hundred questions, fighting, lazily doing chores but I never tire of them sitting close on the couch, looking into my eyes, hugging me. I have never laughed as much as I have with my kids and would sacrifice sleep for more of it if I didn't have to make sure they got sleep. When they ask to stay up late and I say no, I hope they see that my heart could spend every minute with them. Yes this is a mothers love.

I use to think that motherhood was about being on the floor playing with my kids. I still yearn for more of such time with each of my kids but I have realized that playing is really where my kids learn to act out what they are seeing and hearing. They copy me mopping, yelling, and nurturing each other. I am thankful that my play is now more from the sidelines watching them interact with their environment and mimicking me.

Challenges that Bewilder Me / Sinus Presure

Paranasal sinusesImage via Wikipedia

I have another sinus infection and this will make 4 in 3 months. I think I have some sort of blockage and will probably need to see an ENT. The pain that goes with these buggers is incredible. We were out for a fun weekend a the river house and the biometric pressure before the rain sent my sinus pain through the roof. I was in so much pain that my left hand and foot were prickly numb.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Challenges that Bewilder Me / Biting, Hitting and Hair Pulling

I have posted this with my play group and a twin forumn. Sometimes I feel like the thing si deal with since I have twins make me an outside to the regular moms. An article I read made it sound like my sweet little guys were taking out their pent up anger. I just don't think so. I have seen them angry and they don't do these things when they are angry.

How do I stop my twins from biting hitting and hair pulling?

They have been biting each other since they got teeth in, 8 months old. I have been told that this is common for twins to use each other as a teething ring. They hit but not because they are mad. Sherman smiles and laughs as he pats your face. They pull the hair only of my girls when it is right in their face. They also pull each other's hair in the stroller. Oh it is just so pretty. The only really aggressive behavior I see is when they want a toy from the other twin. They will pull and tug till they get it but they don't hit, bit or hair pull to get what they want.

This is why I haven't done much beyond saying no, redirecting and trying to find the triggers. For example I have minimized the biting by not co-sleeping the twins. they bit each-other when they aren't ready to go to sleep. Last straw was when sweet sleeping Sherman was rudely awakened by being bit by Grant.

They are only 17 months and they were premmies so I don't know how much of this is infant twin behavior. The bottom line is I need it to stop.[/quote

Thursday, July 16, 2009

God Momments / Gardener

Public Flower Garden in downtown SeattleImage by FallenPegasus via Flickr

Praise God. Kay was in timeout for being in someone eleses busness, one of her Key Areas. Then from the corner she buts into a conversation I am having with Reye to tell him exactly what I just said. I told her that I didn't need her help and that she wasn't to get in the middle of someone elses conversation. She began to cry and told me that she was sad because she thought I didn't need her. Praise God for a little Godly wisdom on the spot. I told her to think of all the ways that I need her and that I wanted her to pray and ask God to show her what a silly lie she was believing.

I saw a garden. At 1st I thought she was the flowers but no, my children are the garden and I am the gardener. As the gardener I must point out and pull the weeds out. I told Kay their is no shame to be felt when we discover the weeds for she is the garden. Can the garden stop the weeds from growing. The garden just needs to remain soft (her heart) so I can pull the weeds out before they take over. Kay has so many beautiful flowers in her garden and we talked about how much I am loving watching them grow.
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Prayer / Psalm 99

EDINBURGH, UNITED KINGDOM - MARCH 23: Ben Cat...Image by Getty Images via Daylife


Could I find your answer for when to forgive and when to punish by entering into worship of you at your holy mountain. Lord please bring me to the mountain that I may drink and eat at your table. That I find your truths as Moses found the commandments and heard your voice. My children deserve a mother lead by you.

Psalm 99

8 O LORD our God,
you answered them;
you were to Israel [a] a forgiving God,
though you punished their misdeeds. [b]

9 Exalt the LORD our God
and worship at his holy mountain,
for the LORD our God is holy.
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Prayer / Key Areas

A tree in :en:TicinoImage via Wikipedia

I was telling Kay that everyone has something that God is working on them to improve on. Sometimes we learn quickly and other times they are like a strong hold wearing us down. I told her about Paul, in the Bible.

My families Key Areas are as follows:

Me - quick tempered (Lord, help me see them as you see them when I get frustrated. May my children rise up and call me blessed as they see mom walk out grace, and discipline in love. Lord my heart, my passion is to raise children that love you, know you, fear you and are disciplines in heart, mind and body. Lord show me how to do this without getting exasperated.)

Randy (this was his assessment) - Drinking and lack of motivation (Lord, let Randy not be drunk on wine but by your Spirit. Please light a fire of desire in his heart that the things you have directed him to do would be done swiftly.)

Kay - Involving herself in every one's jobs or problems (Lord help Kay to see that when she is being so outwardly focused on every ones elses issues she is neglecting her own. 1st take the plank out of your own eye so you can more clearly remove the speck from the others eye. Lord help Kay to not feel responsible for others yet to grow in her gift of teaching and helping.)

Reye - Focus (Lord please help Reye to enjoy and stay focused on the task at hand. I come against this dream world that wants to consume every part of him. Lord let the worshiper in Reye begin to worship you in Spirit and truth. My Reye's mind be fashions after yours Lord so he can see what is in front of him and conquer it with the same passion and desire he does the bad guys in his games. Let him no long fear or hold with disdain new things.)

Petra - Whining and Helplessness (Lord please help Petra to get control over her emotions. Help her to see that her words are powerful and that a kind word goes a long way. That her smile and joy will cause people to want to help her but her whining will not. Lord help her to not fall into helplessness. Being the middle child she wants others to do her work. Lord let her feel powerful and mighty as a big girl.)

Grant - Aggravation and Self control (Lord please bring peace to little Grant when he doesn't get his way or in his timing. Lord please help him to not have tantrums and give me direction as to how to direction this amazingly passionate leader in the making. Lord also please help Grant to stop bitting, hitting and hair pulling.)

Sherman - Health and Self control (Lord please open up Sherman's lungs and cause them to be healed by your Spirit. I stand upon your word believing that Sherman will not always suffer with asthma. Lord also please help Sherman to stop bitting, hitting and hair pulling.)

I praise God this day for these prayers being answered.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ideas / Creative Meditation

Children's Dances by Hans ThomaImage via Wikipedia

This is an idea I had back in 2007. I had a few ladies yet it didn't really take off. Maybe some day it will take off for me or for someone else. Maybe this could become a plan for a meet-up group.

Time: Thursdays 8:30 – 10:30 am
Dates: May 18 - July 27, 2007
Age: 0 -99
Cost: FREE

Creative Mediations is for everyone interested in deepening their spiritual walk through partner meditations, walking in the woods, playing with children, painting, dance movement and community building activities. This is the 1st time that Creative Movements has been offered so please join us for this 10 week introductory class. Julia Yates Semmes Branch Library at Comanche Lookout Park 15060 Judson Road 78247. For questions please call Christy at 637-1245.

Opening @ Theater 10 minutes
a) Dance circle game[1]
b) Go over plan for day
c) Mission Statement – The purpose of this group is to bring you together with people of all ages, ethnicities, and walks of life to bring about the joy found in community. You will laugh, dance, draw, pray and play together as an extended family. You are given permission to care for those in the group as a shared experience, so you can reach out and hold someone else’s baby, and assist an elderly person in their dance but most of all open your heart to love and be loved.

d) Child Safety – As many of us here or mom’s, of little ones, it is important that you feel that your children are safe. There are two ways that you can keep your children safe.
i) Hold them or follow them around, or
ii) Let the group act as their safety net. I hope that at some point all of you will comfortable with this option. This means that wherever we are all of us are to purposely circle around the babies and continually coral them in or back to their mothers. We will become a living play pen.

e) Spiritual Safety - I had to ask myself, how I can be all inclusion yet be true to the God I worship. How do I let the spiritual person feel safe to listen, learn and experience love without watering down the Bible or allowing undue influence on the babes in our mist? All are welcome to dance, play and reflect but I must set some boundaries so that we will all feel safe with sharing our spirituality. As a Christian woman I have felt drawn by the Lord to provide this group to all that have a desire to express themselves in community. This means that people of differing beliefs are welcome to come together. I will not hide from you that my desire and hope for all of you is that you come into an enriching relationship with my savior Jesus Christ. Jesus is my life, my breath and the very reason that I stand before you today. He is at the beginning and the end of all I have prepared. He is the author to all that you find to be true in me. This being said please understand that the Jesus in me is not afraid or dismayed if you do not believe in him or his word the Bible. You are safe here to share the beliefs that you have without reservation. You are also safe to let others know how your beliefs differ from theirs. The only condition to this open interchange of thought is that it must be done in love, with kindness and without intent to judge or debate. No one should be asked or feel compelled to pray for or to something that isn’t part of their belief system. For example: If you desire to have me as your prayer partner I will only pray to Jesus for those things that line up with his word and I must ask that you pray to Jesus on my behalf.
f) Send Off

Meditation 30 minutes
Partner Meditation –You may go anywhere, for a walk, to the tables, in the library.
1. Welcome – all walk together sharing our stories
“Please share a story of your Spirituality. What has been your journey, where has it taken you and who answers your prayers? Life from the time we are little is a journey of pain and pleasure but without purpose and meaning what is it all for? I have lived a life of seeking pleasure, trying to avoid pain only to find that one can not truly be found without the other. Pleasure is not merely a tingling sensation of the body but an inner knowing in the heart when body, soul and spirit are one in purpose. For me this place is only found in Christ for it is in His mission and direction that all lines up. For he sees all places that I need to go so much clearer than I. Let’s write/draw our stories to be shared with all that join us.”
2. ACTS – Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication[2]
3. My Roles[3] – wife, mother, employee, lover, teacher, homemaker, Christian, daughter, sister & friend
4. My Heart[4]
5. Lord’s Prayer[5]
6. My Family[6] – husband, kids, parents, brothers and sisters
7. Armor of God[7]
8. My Friends[8]
9. God’s Heart[9]
10. Closing – all walk together sharing our stories

Play or Library 20 minutes
We will take all the children to play at the playground or go in the library.
Activities 20 minutes
1. Centering / Touch and Go
2. My Story[10]: Everyone talking, repeating, listening, Writing/Drawing
3. Eyes, Ears & Mouth[11]
4. On the grid / Statue maker / Machine
5. Large, small, big, tall, etc. / Copy cat dance
6. Kids Games[12]: Musical Chairs/ Duck, Duck, Goose / Tug of War
7. ___
8. ___
9. Affirmation Circle[13]
10. Flower of Me[14]
Reflection/Snack @ Theater 20 minutes (15 min) + 5

Everyone should come prepared to share. Children are also encouraged to participate. Reflections will continue to be shared for 15 minutes.
something personal,
something you have learned,
a tip,
something practical,
art work
impromptu speech
just about anything thought provoking or inspirational.

Closing Dance Circle 5 minutes

Total Time 1 ½ - 2 hours

Homework – make prayer cards for next week’s prayer topic. Write the words at the top after folding. Spend time reading and praying and journaling on back of full sheet. When inspired add clips from magazines, art work, verses, etc.


[1] Water, breakfast, sunscreen, snack, prayer book, notebook, pen, pencils, crayons, dance music & jam box

[2] ACTS – 4 sheets of paper, put the following text on each sheet:
[3] My Roles – 1 sheet of paper and picture of yourself
[4] My Heart - 1 sheet of paper and magazine clippings
[5] Lord’s Prayer -9 sheets of paper, put the following text on each sheet:
-Our Father in heaven, -hallowed be your name, -your kingdom come, -your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. -Give us today our daily bread. -Forgive us our sins, -as we also have forgiven those who sin against us. -And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
-For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen
[6] My Family – 1 sheet of paper for each person in your family and picture of each person
[7] Armor of God – complete at home what you didn’t finish in class
[8] My Friends – 1 sheet of paper and magazine clippings
[9] God’s Heart– 1 sheet of paper and magazine clippings

[10] My Story – Notebook, pen, crayons for little ones
[11] Eyes, Ears & Mouth – blindfold, plate, bread, peanut butter and jelly (Don’t make the sandwich; this is part of the activity).
[12] Kids Games – cushion to sit on and rope
[13] Affirmation Circle – Notebook, pen, crayons
[14] Flower of Me – water colors, paint brushes, cup – for paint water, scissors, pencil, glue, (Christy Klepetko will bring water color paper, Stems, and Creative Companion Book).

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Prayer / 2 Chron 29

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin MaryImage by Lawrence OP via Flickr

2 Chronicles 29

Hezekiah Purifies the Temple

Dear Lord,

I know not what to say about this Scripture. I am thankful that as far as me and my house we serve the Lord. That we have not turned our eyes from you, oh Lord. That we do not need to make a peace offering to be back in your good graces. Lord I lift up the nations that have turned from you and that you have left to their own demise. Lord please bring them under leadership that will desire to follow you. Lord please be with our government that our nation will stay one after God. Lord if you see any way in me that needs to be convicted by this message please show me.

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To Do List

STARS FLOWERImage by fabiogis50 via Flickr

Image by fabiogis50 via Flickr

To Do List...

Did I make my Goals Today?

YES 1) Coffee

YES 2) Dressed to Shoes
Make-up as well.

Feeling hot today!

YES 3) Bible/Prayer

YES 4) Blog
YES 5) Exercise
My kids were driving me crazy. They want to be with me while I exercise, yet they were in eachothers space, complaining, or getting hurt the whole time.

YES 6) Play w/Kids

Play date with Reye's friend Reggie.

7) Me Time/Rest!
YES 8) Scream n Clean by 4pm
I only had to yell a little!

Yes 9) Kiddos in Bed 9:30
Well a little late we were reading, Randy was already in bed and I knew I would be up late giving Sherman his every 3 hours breathing treatments.

No 10) Change Gears
Not tonight. I am in nurse maid mommy mode. Sherman isn't doing well.

No 11) Romance is in the Air Hubby!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Prayer / 1 Tim 3


Help me to walk out these traits.

1 Tim 3
2Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. 5(If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church...

11In the same way, their wives[b] are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.

To Do List

BuffleheadImage via Wikipedia

To Do List... Did I make my Goals Today?

YES 1) Coffee
YES 2) Dressed to Shoes
YES 3) Bible/Prayer
YES 4) Blog
YES 5) Exercise
A bit slow but the twins and I walked around the block and to the duck pond. The twins walking the whole way. Sherman was driving forward.

YES 6) Play w/Kids
We all played together tossing a ball and with Lego's. I just sat and enjoyed them.

YES 7) Me Time/Rest!
Sat and read for a while. The books OK but not as good as the 1st.

YES 8) Scream n Clean by 4pm
Yippee. I didn't even have to scream. I was still messing with the laundry long past 4pm but what's a goal if you hit it easily.

NO 9) Kiddos in Bed 9:30
More like 10pm and Sherman cried for a while. Just when I was ready to rescue him he was quiet.

YES 10) Change Gears
Well I sort of changed gears.

YES 11) Romance is in the Air Hubby!
Glad to be making us a priority.

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To Do List

To Do List... Did I make my Goals Today?

1) Coffee
2) Dressed to Shoes
3) Bible/Prayer
4) Blog
5) Exercise
6) Play w/Kids
7) Me Time/Rest!
8) Scream n Clean by 4pm
9) Kiddos in Bed 9:30
10) Change Gears
11) Romance is in the Air Hubby!

Sweet Pea Momments / Mornings

Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk.Image by radarxlove via Flickr
Oh the typical spills of our morning. To start the day I take 4 Motrin to take the edge off my head/back ache. I change the twins and make my way to look at e-mail and facebook. In my blurry eyed state I forget to gate off the kitchen only to hear something fall off the counter. I call Petra to the rescue. "Mommy your medicine is all over the floor, but the babies only ate a few." Flying off my chair over the gate to extract pills from the twins. Now I have 3 eager helpers picking up pills as fast as they can as I pry them from their fingers. I ask Petra to move all the benches out the of the kitchen and I place the twins in their play area. Back to e-mail I go, only to hear Cd's being played with. Out I go again to find that Petra put the benches in with the babies so they are having a hay day with all the electronics by the TV. Now it is time for breakfast. I get the babies set up, everyone is dressed and Kay is in charge of the babies. I take a shower to return to flying cereal bowl at the hand of Grant. Now the big kids are doing chores and the babies are playing. Randy came home for a few minutes to find the twins picking apart their disposable diapers. I guess I will be vacuuming soon. Kay has taken till just this minute 12:12 to finish cleaning up after breakfast. "Hurry up Kay, Hurry up Kay, don't you want to play before we set the table for lunch Kay."

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Sweet Pea Momments / Fruit Salad

a :en:fruit salad (ein :de:Obstsalat)Image via Wikipedia

We had fruit salad tonight and Petra told me she was glad I left the salad out because she doesn't like salad.
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Prayer / 1 Tim 2

Adam, Eve, and the (female) serpent at the ent...Image via Wikipedia


Help me to understand what is meant by this passage. The writer seems to have an attitude against women. I understand that the culture was different, but come on. I know that in my marriage that God has shown me to do my best to live like this in regards to not trying to have authority over my husband but what about this teaching and being silent. I know that he doesn't much care for me trying to teach and I certainly can talk to much. Please give me insight into how and why this is the way for perfect order in our homes. I understand the your ways are higher than mine and that this is probably more about our personal growth than about being under the thumb of man or being put down for having sinned 1st.

1 Tim 2

11A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15But women[a] will be saved[b] through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.

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Sweet Pea Momments / Landa Park

Spring water from the slides runs straight int...Image via Wikipedia

The kids and I are having a great summer going to the pool at Landa Park. The twins are climbing the slide and going down by them selves. It is a hoot to watch. They often come down sideways, get a face full of water, tumble around at the bottom, and then get up on their own. Amazing, no crying just big smiles and lots of mussels. Kay and Reye were able to swim to the platform in the middle of the pool and then to the other side and then down the BIG slide. It is so nice to get over my aprehensions over watching all of them in the water. They are amazing kids.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day to Day / Moving Furniture

Today I did another moving of the furniture to acomodate the twins getting into everything. We have a 2nd crib in our bedroom to manage nap time. The babies bite each other if they don't want to sleep. I can handle babies crying because they don't want to sleep but not because they are trapped with their brother that wants to eat them.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Prayer / VBS "Crocodile Dock"

I am lovely crocodile, my Dearest!!Image by Thai Jasmine via Flickr

Soon I will be leaving to take all the kids to VBS. Lord please grant me patients and a listening ear for your prompting as I turn over the twins to the nursery and hopefully share the love of Christ to the kids put in my care. Lord let all my children be inspired to follow you more fully during this week and that I too would be encouraged in my faith. Lord I ask for a double portion of strength and joy for life. Please protect our family and all the staff from any ways the enemy may try to go against the plans God would have for us. May we all be in one accord and seeing the enemy for what he is a liar and deceiver aimed to steel, kill and destroy

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day to Day / Nap Time

Handsome DudeImage by ...-Wink-... via Flickr

TAKE your naps. Especially you mom's. I tried to talk myself out of it today. I had plenty of sleep last night, didn't wake up a million times. Certainly I should get a little house work or quality Petra time in during the twins nap. Yet I had been a terror all morning. I had been grumpy, nit picking the kids to death. Not to mention feeling pretty dam bad about being so grumpy. Hot dog, I took that nap and slept really hard. I woke up refreshed, with a smile on my face and skip in my step. Don't let your grumpiness steel your joy, chase it away with a good nap!

This picture just gives me such comfort as I use to have a Husky and my dogs were always the best companions.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day to Day / Drama Over

Spanish BellsImage by mbgrigby via Flickr

Horray! My personal drama is back on the back burner. I feel refreshed, happy and ready to face the day with joy and purpose.