Friday, May 29, 2009

Healthy Habits / San Antonio Living, June 2nd

E-mail from San Antonio Living. They are coming out on June 2nd.

I'd love to have your kids be a part of this. Don't worry about the twins - I want people to see that you are a real family dealing with real financial stuff.

This looks good - we can use this as "script" for the shoot. If you want to have some props ready to help demonstrate what you are talking about - we can have you open the fridge and freezer when you talk about saving on groceries/cooking. You could hang some clothes on the line when you talk about the laundry.

Let's pick out your top 5-8 or so tips to talk about for the segment. I can post the rest on our website for our viewers to read. If you do a blog - we can possibly link that on our website.

Here's how I'm imagining the taping to go:
"Hi Shelly. I'm Christy Klepetko .. My husband and I have five kids. We survive on one income - but we are debt free. I'm going to share with you some of our ways to cut back on spending .. while still having a great time."
1. Groceries - explain
2. Electric Bill - explain
3. pick another
4. pick another
5. Good Attitude - Shelly, we have to keep a good attitude and keep a debt-free mentality... etc.

We can show some of the kids doing chores, you making lists, cutting coupons - whatever you guys do. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks again for doing this for us.

Laura Breeden
Producer, San Antonio Living,
1031 Navarro St. San Antonio, Texas 78205
(210) 476-1080

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