Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Prayer / Pruning Inside of Me

~Camomile Bokeh~Image by *MizzEl* via Flickr


May my heart be full of your joy and peace while we are working out these troubles of my soul. May my children see a women that prays and stays loving while toiling in the garden of my soul. My garden is about to bloom yet much work is to be done and sometimes the pruning of my soul is uncomfortable. Lord let me be calm, loving and focuses on those that I love and not on what the Lord is removing from me. Does the tree cry out as the wild or dead branches are being cut? No it is happy for the freedom to grow as it was meant to be.

Healthy Habits / Swirls

Do You Trust Your Friends? album coverImage via Wikipedia

Today, Today, wanting a place to play.
Fear, around, swirls abound.
Who am I, a face, a place, things yet to be.
Unseen, unopened for fear of those that may be mean.
I play, I smile, but all the while, I wretch inside, at what could be.
Fears, tears why must they be, trust, safety, is where I want to be.
Guarded from the past, guarded from what I do not want to be.
A child screaming, inside of me, but not out loud for all to see.
Why must this be as we travel to places that will be safe for me.
On a path, a path that is liberating you see.
Paved with trust and love for me.

Walk this way, you wait and see.
Eyes not seeing, not hearing but lead by love for me.
Walk this way, and wait and see, for love will abound inside of me.
Fear and tears will wash away in the presence of me.
I will see the joy that can come from me.

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day to Day / Great Day

I am having a really great day. To start it off I was able to go to the library and grocery store by myself. It was so relaxing. Randy has taken the older kids with him so all I have is the little ones. Sherman an eye exchanged funny looks while eating watermelon. I am getting ready to pack up the little one's for a walk in the mall. Time for some exercise and it is WAY to hot outside.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Prayer / Speak Lord

You are in my Heart till the sun will never sh...Image by Thai Jasmine via Flickr

Speak Lord for your servant is listening. May my ears ever be open to all that you have for me to hear. Let my feet be ready to walk where you would have me to go and my hands ready to deliver kindness. Father I act as if I know so much yet their are so many unanswered question of my heart. Father everything I learn and begin to understand only shows another door yet to be opened. Thank you Lord for being my shield and my guide. Thank you for being strong when I am week. Lord thank you that when I am low you are lifted up. When I am weary you are full of vigor. Today with lack of sleep I am worn yet I trust you will shine through my deeds and desires.

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Healthy Habits / Hypocrite

Day 334/365 : SolidImage by ~jjjohn~ via Flickr

The irony of being on San Antonio Living talking up how we are saving all this money by pinching all our pennies is now all I want to do is live the high life. I am sick of cloth diapers. With it so hot and dry here I have to keep all the diaper stuff in the garage BECAUSE FLIES ARE GROWING,YUCK!! The husband and I both thought me being home would give us more time together but all I feel like is the glorified maid. I have never liked house work and now it is my career. So I am going to be a big hypocrite and hire the maid back for the every two week cleaning of the house. I pray it frees me up enough to spend time joyfully with my husband. Right now spending time with him feels like another to do list item. Praise God we have set aside enough money where this maid thing shouldn't break the bank.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Challenges / Birth Control

Image via Wikipedia

Today I get to have that uncomfortable conversation with my OB regarding birth control options and the effects they have on Mom's libido. Thank goodness I have known this OB for 9 years and he has seen me through many of my pregnancies. Yet having such a clinical conversation about something so intimate is just a little unnerving.

Now I question sharing it here on the world wide web. But who care, you folks are highly unlikely to comment anyway. Feeling a little testy.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

God Momments / Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban album...Image via Wikipedia

Kay and I are reading the Harry Potter series and I was a little concerned that she may find the witch craft parts so fascinating that she would want to try it. Well I was right. One day she was talking about how she was imagining herself doing all the crazy things done in the book. Well I told her that I wouldn't be able to continue to read her the book unless she could just enjoy it but not want to do it. That this was a test of her ability to put God 1st and to not displease him by wanting to do witch craft. Well to my surprise and awe she came up with the best idea. She said that God showed her that He would be her power, that the angels would be her protection and His Spirit would be in her wand.

I just thank God for this. This just confirms that I am Not to shelter my children completely from what the Devil is doing but empower them with enough info so that they can seek God's Revelation under my care. "Train up a child in the way he is bend and when they are old they will not depart from it." Praise God. Now when approached with witch craft latter in life she will have the tools to fight.

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Prayer / Eph 6. Armor of God

Armor of God

10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

Eph 6

I really needed this one today. I will not let the whiles of the Devil take over my thoughts and actions. I will stand firm in Christ for even though I may be in pain, feel overwhelmed and want to give up my God is greater than this body, greater than my thinking. It is only when I humble myself before God and recognize my shortcomings that He is glorified in me. Well I feel about flattened today so Lord rise up and empower this women of God that you may be glorified. For it is not by might, not by power but by thy Spirits says the Lord. Thank you Lord for answering my private prayer to be able to follow someone else's lead this day. I don't have to be in charge for my Father in Heaven has given me the Holy Spirit to lead me. I will rest in His leading this day.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Day to Day / Sleep for a Week

at the beachImage by Caligold via Flickr

I think I could sleep for a week. I don't want to do anything yet everyone is pining for something to do. It was a really full last week. Maybe I will be inspired to write latter.

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Healthy Habits / Father's Day Present

I designed this T-Shirt for Father's Day. The whole family will be sporting their own T on Father's Day. The background is one of my paintings.
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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Healthy Habits / Private Blog

DiamondImage via Wikipedia

Greatness is not created in a day nor is compassion built in times of plenty. It is the working through our trials and sinful nature under the power and grace of a living God that we amount to greatness. In my new "Private" Blog I will discover the diamonds of my heart while doing the hard work of personal discovery.

This new Blog will carry the raw emotions of my heart. It is with great expectation that I plan to share, with all of you, these diamonds. That will be worked out in private with the lover of my soul, my savior, my prince of peace, ... Jesus.
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Friday, June 19, 2009

Ideas / Housework

My 3 year old Petra Sorting Laundry

How do you clean your house? Do you do it all in one or two days? Do you follow Flylady? What is your story? I feel like I have tried it all yet am never done. I have finally resolved to have a check list for the month with boxes for the number of times I need to to complete a task each month. Some times I get it all done in a few days and other times it takes me the full two weeks to do each thing just once. It is a good feeling to be able to see that I have at least done something even though the house may be cluttered with toys and art supplies. This is especially helpful when trying to tell my husband that I really did a lot that day. He is wonderful and never complains about the state of the house but I want him to be proud of me. I use to try and follow Flylady and still do when it comes to the morning and evening routine. I just found that with 5 kids I have to put my plans aside for fun and work almost on a daily basis. If I planned to do my "Home Blessing Hour" on Monday and everyone is sick I am already behind the eight ball. Now I just go with the flow with a check list versus a schedule. I also put the kids to work.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ideas / Nanny Application

Do you consider it appropriate for me to ask questions regarding your personal stability, the role religion plays in your life, your personal ethics and moral views? Yes or No
If No, I am sorry to have wasted your time but this interview is over.

Name___________ Address____________

Phone _________ Social Security # ______

Previous Employment ( 3 years )

1) Dates _______ Position/Responsibilities _________

Reason for Leaving ________________________

Boss _____________ Phone __________________


Name _________________ Relationship __________________ Years ____________

Why do you want this job? ______________________________________

If you find any question difficult to answer due to its personal nature please let me know that you will answer it to your best ability while maintaining certain elements private.

1) You come home to discover that a friend of yours uses your brand new expensive towels to clean up a spill of Big Red. How do you react?

2) The playroom is a mess, you send all three kids to clean it up. You come to check on the progress in 10 minutes to find everyone playing?

3) You have told the two year for the 3rd time to sit in her chair, yet she still continues to climb the side.

4) Describe how you let a child know that you mean business.

5) How many times do you repeat instructions?

6) Tell me about a time when you lost your temper with a child?

7)What do you consider age appropriate chores for my children? What type of instruction/supervision so you think they will need to accomplish these tasks?

8) Why do you think kids should have chores?

9) Should kids be paid to help around the house?

10) How would you motivate children to stay on task?

11) How would you structure a day where you were required to feed the twins, do laundry, feed the toddler, pick up the school agers and oversee chores?

12) How should children talk to others?

13) When and how should a child voice that they don’t want to do something?

14) When and how should a child be able to ask about something you said no to?

15) The twins are crying, Petra is calling for toilet paper when you hear two of my kids playing, then you hear that one of them is crying and they come to you all talking at once. What do you do?

16) How do you react when my 3 year old cries when you say no?

17) What do you consider some unacceptable forms of motivation/punishment?

18) My son comes home from school and you tell him to put his backpack up before he gets a snack. He appears not to have heard you and he gets a snack and a drink. You tell him again to put his back pack up and in the process decides to pretend that he is Sonic and starts swinging his backpack around. In the process his water flies and hits you and gets Petra’s snack all wet. Petra is crying and you are mad and frustrated. What do you do?

19) What does it mean to you to cut kids some slack? When is it appropriate?

20) When home with the babies and Petra what would you do if Petra was suppose to be cleaning her room and the babies needed to be feed?

21) What do you consider to be big lies versus little lies?

22) Is some lying Ok?

23) For how many years have you been working to support yourself?

24) Have you had any gaps in your employment since that time?

25) How many jobs have you had in the last three years?

26) Have you ever been fired?

27) Do you have a criminal record?

28) Do you smoke or drink?

29) How would you describe reliable transportation?

30) What standard do you hold yourself to as an authority figure for my children?

31) Do you think you could do a good job as a Nanny if you and I did not agree about what was good morality, ethics, honesty and personal stability?

32) How does your religion/spirituality influence the way you live your life and work?

33) What kind of personal activities do you expect to be able to do while working? Run errands, phone calls, e-mail, my space, friends over, reading, etc. During an 8 – 10 hour work day how much time do you think you should be able to take for yourself.

34) How long do you think it is OK to let a baby cry?

35) How far away from the house is it OK to be if the babies are inside?

36) Who would you let pick-up the babies?

37) What would you do to stimulate a baby?

38) If you are familiar with the scripture that says a Leader should live a life beyond reproach please speak to how you would apply that to your role as a Nanny?

39) How would you play with Petra?

40) What sort of educational activities would you do with Petra?

41) Do you think that being a Nanny is the best way for you to make money?

42) Do you think it is easy to be a Nanny?

43) What would you look for in a Nanny if you were doing the hiring?

44) What would you look out for?

45) Have you ever used drugs?

46) How consistent are your sleeping habits?

47) How many hours of sleep to you need to function and do you make it a priority to get enough before coming to work.

48) What do you think the effect would be on us if you were 15 minutes or more late to work?

49) Have been late to work often? What have you done in the past when you knew you were going to be late?

50) Have you ever had car trouble that caused you to be late? Are you still driving that car?

51) How would you describe the character of those that you hang out with? Are they people that would be a good influence on my kids?

52) Do you have a good fall back if a crisis were to arise in your life?

53) Do you have a checking account at a bank? Are you with good standing with your bank?

54) Do you feel that you make good financial choices?

55) What do you think of credit cards?

56) Why do you think I want you to help out with laundry and dishes?

57) Do you think it is appropriate for me to expect you to do laundry and watch 5 kids?

58) How much time do you think you will have to be on the floor playing with the kids?

59) If I were to describe this job as an extension of my motherhood what would that mean to you?

60) How do you feel about spanking?

61) How do you feel about being alone with the kids while my husband is working in the Studio?

62) Do you like the park/outside?

63) How badly do you need this job?

64) Have you ever past up a job because you didn’t think you would be a good fit?

Prayer / Public or Private Blog

Heart CandleImage by Bob.Fornal via Flickr

Dear God,

I really want to reach this world for you. My hearts passion is to be able to use all that God has given me to help others be it organization, budgeting, trials and hardships overcome or just a transparent life lived on purpose. Lord I have yet to hear one single comment back on this blog. I can see from the counter that since the airing of San Antonio Living people are coming and reading the blog but are they just one time lookers or are they return because they are finding something of value? Lord I could easily just turn this into a private blog and look at it as my personal road of day to day events. This would have purpose and may even one day be pieced together for a book to serve others. I just want to serve others now. My life is so about the kids and the laundry that outward missions is not a reality for me but this could be my mission field. Lord if this can really be a place where I can be a mouth piece for you then let others not only read but leave their reactions and comments. Lord please give me peace and a direction.

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Sweet Pea Momments / Pool Rules

One of the best parts about being a SAHM is all the great things that our kids say. I was going over the pool rules with my kids in the car before we got to Grandma's house and was asking everyone to give me a rule or two. Well Reye, my 7 year old, pipes up with don't run in the street and don't dry off under water. Then a after swimming for a while Petra, my 3 year old, takes off all her foaties. I tell her to NOT go back in the pool unless she puts the foaties back on. I tell her that she could drown and die if she falls in the pool. She promptly responds by telling me that Jesus could raise her from the dead.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day to Day / Hubby Time

Well we were all ready for Life group tonight but no one showed. That's alright. Kay and I read the story of Abigail together and then Randy and I watched a movie. A slow movie but never the less we were able to send the older kids to the play room while we spent a little quality time together. Our poor little Sherman is suffering again tonight with his asthma. Randy and I had to give him two treatments tonight and he was really fighting it. The labor of love for his health. Strong arming him for 10 minutes so that he will hopefully breath better. I just pray and hope that he will out grow this.

Challenges that Bewilder Me / Embarced when Frugal?

A birthday cakeImage via Wikipedia

When did it become a disgrace to be frugal? Today the way this family is saving and making ends meat are met with smiles but not to long ago some of my ideas were met with pity and a pat on the shoulder. I remember planning a simple birthday party for my daughter. We planned it at a park with a friends and the goal was to spend no more than $20. A friend was going to go in with me as our girls are best friends. The idea of going this simple was a struggle for my friend and her family. I couldn't go over my budget and my friend couldn't spend this little so she paid for the extra.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day to Day / Sleep Baby Sleep

To sleep, to sleep when will it be my turn to lay my head upon the pillow and rest. A day full of fun and frolic in the sun has left me in a stupor awaiting my rest. Yet here I am waiting, waiting for my turn to come. The babies should be all but wore out but now they are climbing, and smiling all around me at half past 10. To bed, to bed I put them but they are not resting. Cries to be free they belt out at the top of their lungs. Awake not the rest on the house but my ears do ring, my heart does pound as I try to find a distraction so my sweet babe can find rest. I count the minutes as the crying goes on an on. Give them 10 minutes I say to myself. Praise God, only two have gone by the crying is now only of one. Three, four minutes have past now and my stomach is in knots but wait I must for surely he will be asleep soon. Finally seven minutes gone by and my house is peaceful and quite. My heart has yet to settle in my chest but soon enough I will allow this tired mom to sleep.

Day to Day / Quiet Momments

This morning I was not met with the sounds of my older children laughing, whining or playing. They are at Grandma's and all i have to care for this morning is the twins. Hear myself think what a blessing. Soon we too will be off to share with Grandma in playing at the River House.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Healthy Habits / San Antonio Living

Welcome to Sweet 7 Pea's if you found me after watching San Antonio Living. If you are looking for my tips on how we are keeping the budget down just look under "Debt Free" or "Budget" and you can find all my posts. Busy day today with family.

Please post your comments and suggestions for how you are saving money with your family. I want to learn from all of you as well!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day to Day / Can't Sleep

I returned home to find the back door into our garage open. Giving no thought to it other than the lost air conditioning I carried on getting kids bottles and ready for bed. Finally I settle in to watch a little TV and cuddle with the twins only to look up and see something black with a wing Span as big as my hand. --- Hooray Randy came home and it was only a moth and it is gone.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Day to Day / Who Reads My Blogging

Some of Facebook's gifts, as displayed in the ...Image via Wikipedia

How strange it is to think that people come out here and read my blog. Is it just me and my 2 followers or are total strangers finding it by way of a search. What are they reading? What do they think? Are they getting anything of value out of it? In Facebook I know who can see my posts even though most don't say a word but here sky's the limit. It is just a strange feeling. I want a guest book, where you sign in and give a comment.
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Prayer | Quote

"You can focus on your purposes, or you can focus on your problems. Like a braid of the good, bad and purpose. (Rick Warren)" I can see now how important it is for me to write down and know my purpose. For the good and bad that happens in my life will be woven in and out of my purpose.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Healthy Habits/ San Antonio Living Link

"Our family is scheduled to be on San Antonio Living this Monday. The show is on from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. The segment will also be posted online at saliving.com. The show is about living debt free and budgets.

San Antonio Living WOAI.COM: San Antonio News
Source: saliving.com
San Antonio's source for breaking news, weather and investigation."

Monday, June 1, 2009

Day to Day / Busy, Busy

The Pre-K meeting went well. I am excited about the diversity in the group. I am usually surround by either people that are different but stay in their shell not wanting to offend or I am around people that see the world the same way I do and where is the fun in that. I see all our different views and styles of parenting as a real growth opportunity for me. I certainly don't have parenting all figured out.

The rest of the day went fine. The doctor put me on steroids and codeine to hopefully knock out my stuffiness.

The kids have been great doing their chores and they even let me get a nap in.